Chapter 12

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Published: 12/6/2015; Sunday; 12:37am; Unedited

Third POV

The blue pixels of light faded away, all was silent, and all watched with wide eyes as Mue spun her sword in a signature way before re-sheathing it on her back. The congratulatory message in the air above them, and a pop-up message appeared in front of Mue.

She read it, and pressed the 'OK' key, it surprised her, sure, but it seemed to be a cool weapon.

"That was reckless," a voice said behind her, she turned him. "You could have died, we were retreating."

"You're ready to retreat and save everyone's life," she stated coldly, "I'm ready to die on the battle field, not a single life was wasted in this fight? We lose people everyday, their help was not in vain. I was not about to let an almost dead boss, thanks to those people who died, get to full health again only to repeat the process again. Even if I had to do it myself."

His brows were furrowed, but the look he gave her was one of a parent's scolding expressions, but she couldn't care less. 'I'm not related to him, he's not family.'

" are suspended from the next three boss fights," he declared, leaving no room for arguments, Mue's jaw dropping slightly at the punishments. This was her main stress outlet! Sewing can distract her for only so long! She clicked my tongue and started leaving, glaring at anything in her way.

"Like I actually care," she shouted behind her, "you're just pissy because I did it myself. Call me when you need me!" Everyone knew it was me when her called out that last sentence. It was like a habit, a trademark, showing that it was actually her, the Ice Queen. No one else can say it to an official or higher-up like she does without immediately apologizing and asking for forgiveness.


As she got farther away, she realized she had no clue where she actually was, since this was a newer floor and she had yet to explore and make a map of the place, and was obviously lost. Looking around, she noticed that she was in a town, a safe zone. Mue opened up her friend list and starting sending a message to Yuu.

On the newer floor, anything specific that you need?

Sending it, she sat down on a bench, and waited. Time ticked slowly in that moment, letting her take a good look around her, admiring the beauty of this world and comparing it to the real world.

Just food groceries, hurry back, lots of commissions in waiting.

Mue smiled and stood, going to find the market and buy food, but not before noticing a new message from Kirito, she opened it while still walking, curious at what Kirito had sent.

We are going to try to find out more about Yui, will send update later asap.

She closed the message and menu, making it to the market, trying to distract herself and not think about Kirito, Asuna, Yui, and their little happy family that they've developed. Jealously flared through her, and as she grabbed what she needed from the market, paying and heading back to Yuu's place, she couldn't help but finally let my frustration and anger out. She had a right to, right?

Mue glared furiously at nothing, at things ahead of her, at people if they even looked at her, she didn't care, not even if they saw the tears running down her face, either from anger or sadness, or maybe even both, but she just didn't care.

They may call her the 'Ice Queen,' but she was still human, she felt and hurt like they do.

As Mue reached and entered Yuu's house, seeing him sat next to the fireplace, sewing, he looked up to her, immediately getting up as he saw her tears.

And then, she decided to let the stress, the frustration, and all the emotions off my shoulders: Mue began to cry.

Sorry it's short, but I just wanted to ask out of curiosity, should I keep going with this?

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