Chapter 8

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Published: 10/30/2015; Friday; 12:10am; Unedited

I fought along side Asuna and Kirito who had joined. Surprisingly enough I had taken little damage during the time we had been finding. My instincts had risen tremendously and I felt like I knew every move that would come to us. The damage I receive was from slamming myself into Kirito and Asuna, helping them dodge the attack they couldn't see and sometimes get hit. But I would just get back on my feet, eyes half lidded and charge at The Gleam Eyes and attack it relentlessly.

Its health dropped to red and he road, eyes glowing brighter, even Kirito had joined me in my rage, his louder than mine.

"Fifteen seconds!" Kirito's words filtered through the previously muffled voices. "Hold him off for me for fifteen seconds!" Was he planning on using that?

I grunted as a real hit was landed on me, throwing me into a wall. I immediately used my healing stones which recovered my health and glared ominously at the gleam eyes. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I sprinted once again and dodged the swings and ran up its side, slashing with my sword, it's health going down little by little.

"Mue! Switch!" Kirito yelled. I pushed off from the The Gleam Eyes and landed next to Kirito, he rushed forward with two swords in his hands, with his own roar. He attacked repeatedly, getting his own damage and then back away, "Switch!"

Asuna suddenly appeared next to me, both of us running to The Gleam Eyes, which surprised me. I glanced at her, meeting her eyes, and that quick moment, I knew we had a temporary agreement. Looking back forward, I jumped, landing on the giant weapon and ran up the arm, slashing as I went.

I jumped when he raised his arm, and was about to make a critical hit when it suddenly caught me with the other hand. I gasped, my sword falling rom my hand and clattering to the ground below me.

"Switch!" I look and saw Asuna retreating as Kirito propel himself froward, health full again. Asuna looked around confused before she's potted my fallen sword then looked up and her eyes widened.

Then The Gleam Eyes whipped around and began running towards Kirito, still holding me. I watched its health dwindle through my hair whipping around me face until I was almost all the way down, but a sudden jerk made me let out a yelp and Kirito looked at me.

I had hoped he wouldn't notice but he did, he narrowed his eyes and his attacks became more desperate. The Gleam Ryes raised the hand I was in and threw me back, not needing me. I rolled on the ground, consumed by the pain, and my eyes rolled back, and darkness consumed me.


Third POV

Kirito watched in horror as the boss raised the hand Mue was being held in and threw her behind him with force intended to kill her. She bounced a few times before rolling to a stop, her back facing them, her health decreasing. Blinded by new found and more powerful rage, he screamed as he hit the last critical with his dual swords and The Gleam Eyes froze, and disappeared into little particles of digital specks.

He couldn't help falling back, going unconscious for a short time.

While Kirito was having his only little dream, Mue's health was still slowly depleting, for some reason it took its time, as if something was trying to prevent it.

"Imouto!" She turns around to see her brother running up to her, tears running down his cheeks. "You're awake...finally awake..." She stared at him dazedly, processing that she was out. 'I did it...'

'I lived.'

Kirito's eyes opened, his head on Asuna's lap, who was crying as she stared at him with worry. Klein cheered with his friends that he was awake. Kirito chuckled weakly, before Asuna scolded him for doing something so reckless, hitting him so hard he was truly worried that he would lose the last percent of his health. As they stood, he froze at the two names below his. One was Asuna's almost full health, the other was Mue's slowly depleting one. He whipped around and saw her still lying on her side, unmoving.

"Mue!" He shouted and ran to her, kneeling and moving her to her back, her face was scrunched up in pain, but she wasn't awake. He took out healing stones, and used one, but even as he did that, her health kept going lower. He used another, and it went down for a bit more before stopping at mid-health. He let out a sigh of relief and ran a hand down his face, using a couple stones on himself.

" she okay?" Asuna suddenly asked, staring at Mue with wide eyes. She sat beside Kirito and the other's came by as well. Kirito nodded.

"She had extensive damage, her health kept going down, without healing stones, she would have..." Asuna frowned, nodding.

"Hey, Kirito, about back then...what was that?" Klein asked.

"Mue seemed to know what you were going to do..." Asuna added suspiciously.

"Well, she already knew about it," he said sheepishly, "see, this is what happened..."


My eyes fluttered open and I sat up slowly, a blanket that was covering me fell to my lap and I blinked. Where was I? The door opened, and I looked over and saw Asuna carrying a small bin. She looked up from it and froze, a small gasp escaping her lips as she dropped the bin and ran out of the room, yelling , "She's awake!"

I'm awake, yes.

I lived.

I stood up, noting that I was still in my fighting gear. I went to my menu and switched to every-day normal clothes, the ones that Yuu gave me. I walked over to the window and looked out, it was dark out, which meant it was night time. I saw people looking over and pointing and soon a crowd of people were peering up at me, all talking, pointing. I raised an eyebrow.

The hell?

"Mue!" I turned around and saw Kirito at the doorway, panting, eyes wide. He shut the door behind him and stalked over to me and pulled me away from the window, hugging me tightly. My face burned brightly, not expecting the action from Kirito of all people.

But I could use this chance.

I reached up slowly, and rested my hands on his back. We stood there like that for what felt like forever until he pushed me away, gripping my shoulders, angry.

"You idiot!" He started, "What were you thinking?!"

"I'm sorry."

"Were you even thinking?! How did you even get caught?!"

"I'm sorry."

"You could have died!" I didn't say anything, tending at that sentence. I remember seeing my health decrease, I remember seeing my brother running to me, crying, happy. I had lived. "You almost died..."

I raised my hand up, and set it on his head, ruffling his hair, "But I didn't."

He sighed, looking annoyed, "Yeah. You didn't."

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