Chapter 9

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Published: 10/31/2015; Saturday; 10:18pm; Unedited

Happy Halloween!!

Kirito had faced the leader of the Knights of Blood Oath, using his dual swords, and lost, forcing him to join the guild. That happened a few days ago, and something about the leader made me nervous; sure, he was intimidating, but that's just the thing, we have the same intimidating stare when we talk to people. I only know two people with the look, my mother and my uncle.

It was strange meeting another person with the same eyes.

I was sitting with Asuna, awkwardly, as a guest within the Guild's headquarters, though watched in case I attack-- even though I'm not even in a guild not a red player-- sipping some tea while she watched her map. She was worried. I mean, I was too, but Kirito could handle himself, right? But he was with him.

That creepy, egotistical guy that puts Kirito down just because he's better than him. Suddenly, Asuna shot up, eyes wide, and darted out. I quickly set my cup down and grabbed my sword from the side, "W-whoa, wait, Asuna!" I chased after her, but she truly lived up to her name, she was as fast as lightning. I put on the tracer as I followed her, losing her in the distance. When u finally caught up, I froze.

How can I be okay...

I stared at the duo, not knowing what had happened, but knowing Kirito's health was near to zero, and that he and Asuna were kissing.

...with a broken heart?

I pulled out a teleport stone and whispered Yuu's house's floor and disappeared within blue light. That was not something I had expected.


I sewed continuously, non-stop, sitting in a rocking chair. I had finally maxed my sewing skills and began helping Yuu out in his shop, which he appreciated greatly with the sudden rise in requests.

I had gotten an invitation to Kirito's and Asuna's wedding, and had been sewing like crazy since. Yuu would force me to eat, but I he didn't know I wouldn't sleep. It's not like we needed it, but after a while, we do actually get tired.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to Yuu, who smiled gently, "Why don't you go get your dress on and head to the wedding, it's going to start in a bit."

I tightened my grip on the needle and fabric, but nodded, setting them down and standing.

"See you later, Yuu," He nodded and continued working while I went to my home (I had bought it recently and it was pretty nice, two bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen and a living room, it even had a lawn, porch, and backyard) to put on the dress Yuu had made me. He was always making me clothes, I just didn't have it in my heart to say no.

Whatever was left of it, anyways.

I didn't do much to my hair, just re-braided the two strands framing my face and slipped on a black headband. Going back to the entrance of my home, I went to the menu and found the black slip-ons Yuu made sure I bought and left my house. Leisurely taking my time in getting the the wedding, hoping I would kiss it and tell them I was busy with Yuu in the shop. They know I work there, they've just never met Yuu, so they wouldn't know that I'm lying.

Unfortunately, for me, I made it just in time.

"Do you, Asuna, take Kirito as your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health?" The NPC priest asked Asuna. I clenched my fists, I was in the back of the small gathering of friends, watching.

Asuna smiled, not even hesitating to answer, "I do."

The priest turned to Kirito, "Do you, Kirito, take Asuna as your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health?"

"I do." He said immediately.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Asuna wrapped her arms around his neck and Kirito around her waist as the kissed, there was cheers from the friends, but I found myself standing. Watching. Crying silent, heart-shattering, tears.

They separated, smiling and laughing as their friends came up to them, talking, congratulating, hugging. Asuna suddenly looked over at me, our eyes met, hers widening, but mine simply closed as I turned away and left. I kept walking, for hours I walked, eventually, the weather suddenly changed and it began raining hard. I stood in the middle of the clearing, and looked up at the sky, and closed my eyes, my tears blending in and washing away with the rain.

I felt nothing.

I am nothing.

I opened my eyes, blinking repeatedly as drops hit my eyes, looking up at the sky as rain poured down, chilling me down to my virtual body.

"What did I do?" I whispered to my myself, to the trees, the grass, to whatever was around.

I slipped down to the ground, no longer able to keep myself standing, the only evidence of my crying was the redness I knew was around my eyes, and stared into the void of this world.

"Mue?! Where are you?! Mue!" I heard sprinting steps and the someone came into view, kneeling and shaking me by my shoulders. "Mue...Mue! Are you okay?!"

", Yuu, I'm not okay," I choked out a sob, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and buried my face into his neck. "How can I be okay with a broken heart?"

"Shh, let's just go home and get you something to eat, maybe drink some tea, yeah?" I nodded, but made no action to move. I felt him adjust me and pick me up when he stood. I was still in the same position, just him holding me up by my thighs. "Is there anything else you want?"


There was silence for a while as he walked.

"That's something I can't get, I'm sorry."

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