Chapter 13

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So sorry guys. Im in the process of moving and have no Internet so I'm really sorry. Soon I should be updating regularly. Sorry Again!!

Chapter 13

Sarah's POV

I was in my father's study standing over his dead body. His face was toward the ground so that I couldn't see it. Which honestly I was glad for. Then I looked up and saw the two men that had killed him and suddenly I knew who they were. My father had borrowed money from the mob in our town to get his business off the ground. These two men would periodically show up in my life andharass my dad. They must have killed him because he hadn't paid off his debt to them. I snapped out of my thought and the bigger of the two men was holding a gun to my head. I could feel the cold metal against my temple. I knew if he shot me I would die. I tried to run, but you can't out run a bullet. He whipped his arm around and I heard the gun fire.

I woke up in a cold sweat and shot straight up. I looked at the clock 1:34am. I didn't realize that I had just been dreaming until I woke up. These dreams were frightening me less and less. Things start to lose meaning the more frequently they happen I guess. I layed back down and almostimmediately fell back asleep. 

I woke up in the morning in my own bed, which was odd because I had been sleeping in Kevin's for awhile. I started to get up and something caught my eye. It was the huge rock on my finger. I hadn'tever actually looked at the ring but now that I did I realized how big the diamond was. It must have been the size of a dime. The ring was yellow gold which most people were I'm from hate but I have always wanted a yellow gold ring. No matter which angle the ring was out the light hit it perfectly and it looked beautiful. 

I knew I had a lot to do before the wedding. I mean I didn't even know what a mermaid wedding was like, let alone a royal won. Kevin was going to be appointed king on January 31st. which was in 2 weeks. We decided we wanted to get married on March 23rd. I don't know why but that date just really stands out to me. So I decided to get on the shellputer and research mermaid weddings. They don't have the world wide web, they have the world wide wave. I guess mermaid worlds are just as cheesy as the books and movies make them out to be.

I searched royal wedding to see what would come up. The very first hit was called "The royal wedding cerimony of the centery" So of coarse I clicked on it. There was a picture of a very happy, very beautiful Mermaid and her husband. I read the article underneath it.

"Prince Alec marries commoner Alexanderia. Alexandria planned the wedding with out help from a planner. This is very uncommon for a royal wedding. Who would have thought that it would turn out to be the wedding of the century..."

I kept looking at different articles and pictures, I don't think I left my computer that day for more than a few minutes. I wanted my wedding to be the best. At first I didn't want a big wedding at all, but now, now I want to be the new Alexandria. She was loved by everyone. Which is just what I want. I know its selfish but I couldn't help but think about my life on land. 

I was walking down the street. I didn't really know anyone because I was home schooled and didn't live close to the  town. I saw a group of kids walking towards me. As they got closer I noticed they were all girls about my age. As they paced they were all laughing, one or two were tying not to fall over from laughing. I wanted to know what they were laughing at. That whole display upset me. I didn't have any friends. I mean I had my mother and father but no one my age. Right after the girls past me I heard what they were saying. "Look at that girl, all alone, pathetic little loser." Anotherresponde to this. "It's no wonder she doesn't have any friends, look at her." Then all the girls started laughing then they were to far for me to hear. I wanted to turn and run home, but I didn't want to pass those girls again. Instead I went into the nearest store, grabbed a shirt to "try on" and sat in the dressing room trying to calm down and waiting to go home.

A hand was put on my shoulder and snapped me out of my shot. I wipped around frightened and saw it was just Kevin. 

"Sorry, did I scare you." I turned around so that I could see him better. 

"No, I was just researching this wedding." 

"You say it like its a bad thing." He was chuckling at this and kissed the top of my head and went to sit in a seat.

"The looking everything up and trying to plan, yes. Now the wedding, nope that's not bad. I have so much to do I don't even know where to start."

"Why dont you get a planner."

"No, I want to do this myself."

"Well, I know where you can start."


"The honeymoon." As he was saying this he came over and started kissing my neck. It felt amazing, but I really didn't have time for this. His mouth moved from my collar bone up to my jaw.

"Kevin... I have a lot to do..."

"So?" He continued to move his lips closer to mine. I knew once his lips reached mine it would be over. Kevin was just so da*n hot. He always got what he wanted. I was so submissive, but not today. As he did this his hands were moving up and down my back and started to fumble with my top.

"Kevin." I pushed him away from me. "Kevin, your right we have to plan the honeymoon I almost forgot that, thanks. I kissed his cheek and turned back to my shellputer. 

"Well where do you want to go?" He leaned over my shoulder so he could see what I was doing. 

"Well I only know of two places, here and Atlantis, and since we are living here, and after the wedding we will be living in Atlantis, I guess its your choice."

"Leave it to me. I will plan the whole thing. It will be a surprise."

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