Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Sarah's POV

I woke up and I knew I needed to work on my vows. I have been so busy doing everything else for the wedding I haven't even thought about them. I knew there were things I wanted to say but couldn't. I wasn't allowed to say anything about the fact that I'm not an actually mermaid. So I couldn't talk about anything connected to that. So nothing could be mentioned about my life basically. 

I got out of bed and did all of the stuff I usually did in the morning. Kevin was still sleeping. Since last night I knew he wasn't a heavy sleeper so at least he looked like he was. He was so cute when he was sleeping/pretending to sleep. I wanted to crawl back in bed and get close to him. But this was the perfect time to work on my vows. I left our room and went to the living room and grabbed myshelltop on the way. I got on the sofa and grabbed a blanket and got comfortable. I pulled up word and started to type. Well I looked at the screen and thought. 

This was hard. It wasn't coming to me as easily as I thought it would. I thought the words would flow right out of me but they didn't. Wherever they were they were stuck inside. I knew they were in there and I knew they had to come out. I read once that your dreams are the thoughts that your to busy to think about so maybe I would dream my vows.

I sat a little longer to see if they would come out. I decided to just go on with my day and see if theyreveled themselves. I started to close out everything and someone came in the room, no one else was here so it must have been Kevin.

"Good Morning." I said with out even looking his direction.  I waited a moment and he didn't say anything. He didn't sound like he was coming any closer either. 

"Are you OK?" I turned around and looked at him. It wasn't Kevin. It wasn't even anyone I knew. He didn't look like he belonged here. I knew he had broken in.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" I got up and tried to figure out where to go. He was standing in the only door way to that room. 

He didn't say anything but started to come closer. I looked around the room for something to hit him with. There wasn't anything with in reach. The only thing I had was already in my hand, my shelltop. 

"KEVIN! KEVIN!" I really hope Kevin could hear me. He said he probably couldn't hear the piano he must be able to hear me scream. The second I started to scream the man came at me as fast as he could. "KEVIN! HELP ME! HELP THERE IS SOMEONE IN THE HOU-" He clapped hos hand over my mouth and started to try and drag me out of the room. I started to kick and scream and try to hit the man with my shelltop. I wasn't going to have this happen to me again. 

I somehow managed to bring the shelltop down on the mans shoulder hard enough for him to fall to the ground. I went as fast as I could out of the room. I shut the door behind me to slow the man down. 

"KEVIN! KEVIN!" I made my way up to our room screaming the whole may. I could hear the man behind me but I wasn't going to turn around. I was almost to the stairs when I saw Kevin. We were both going as fast as we could toward each other and I threw myself in his arms and stayed there. 

"What's wrong? What are you screaming about?"

"Someones in the house and they tried to take me."

"Stay here." he started to let go. 

"No! Don't leave me alone!" Then the intruder came into the hallway that Kevin and I were in. Then the intruder hit the floor. I wasn't listening to any of the things he was saying. 

"Sarah, go up stairs in to our room and stay there," He grabbed my shoulders and was looking me dead in the eye. "Do you hear me?" I shock my head and went up stairs.

As much as I didn't want to I did. Why did that man try to take me? Was he just trying to steal and didn't expect to come across me. Before I knew it Kevin was back up stairs.

"Did you call the police? Where is the man?" Kevin had a serious look on his face. He almost seemed mad.

"No it was a misunderstanding. He left."

"He what? You let him leave? Why?"

"Sarah that's none of your business and you need to stay out of it. All you need to know is its taken care of." He was angry, I could hear it in his voice. I was so confused on what had happened.

Kevin's POV

"What are you doing here?" I was pissed. My dad's assistant had just scared the living sh*t out of my fiance.

"I was told to bring the girl to your father. He wanted to talk to her."

"So you kidnap her?"

"We thought that is the only way she would come. I am just following orders sir."

"What did you need to talk to her about?"

"Well since you weren't going to leave her, we thought that we would make her leave you." My father has been trying relentlessly to separate Sarah and I. Kings are only supposed to marry royalty. We were supposed to marry commoners. He had brought many different girls to me and I refused to see any of them.

"Get out. And tell my father to mind his own da*n buisness."

What was going on. They were going to kidnap her and take her away from me. Odds are they were going to kill her. My father has done that before. If he needs someone gone he pays some goon to kill her. If she hadn't come to me or gotten away from him she might mot be mine anymore.

Now I knew I needed to watch her all the time with potential assassins out there. I was so mad I could have killed him. He was lucky I let him go. I wasn't going to let Sarah know about any of this. She would forget eventually. Well maybe. But the trauma of a killer vs. a kidnapper is much worse. And I knew she really couldn't take one more thing. She is so sensitive and over thinks things. I knew her heart couldn't take one more thing. The poor girl was trying to hold back and not care about things for my sake. I  wanted her to be stronger, but  that's one of the things I loved about her, that she needed protecting. And know, she needed it more than ever.


Please tell me what you guys think. (:

Love Sammie

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