The Coronation

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~~~~Time skip: Tommorow~~~~
[Jim Kirk]
The city of Elementa was even more beautiful than before.
Silver, Blue, and Gold streamers hung around the city. People looked happy for the first time since the invasion. There was a band playing in the center of the city square.
I was with Spock, Bones, Scotty, and Pavel. The girls had already arrived here earleir today. Apparently, they had a pretty hard time convincing Scarlett to wear whatever dress they bought her yesterday, so they agreed that she will only wear a dress in the coronation ball tonight. Apparently, this will be a whole day celebration.
We would meet them in the castle later.
Then a horn blew accross the city, signalling that the festivities would begin.
First was the coronation which would be held in the castle's courtyard
"Well," i told them "we better get going then. Come on!"
We went to the castle

The courtyard was huge!
Almost as big as the one at the academy. Possibly bigger.
"Holy mother of all things holy!" Cleio said spinning around to get the whole veiw
"It is rather big." Spock said observing the courtyard
"'Rather big'? Seriously, Spock?" Bones asked him
"Look. There they are." Pavel said pointing to the front row where Uhura and Clieo were sitting and to the stage where Scarlett was talking with Keith.
Uhura and Clieo were wearing dresses, while Scarlett was wearing a blue tunic, a short flat gray kilt over black leggings, her ussual boots, and her necklace. Her red hair was in a ussual ponytail, but she wore a silver circlet around her brow that had a blue gem in the middle. She wore no make-up but she was still as beautifull as ever.
Clieo waved over to us and showed us the seats Uhura and she saved for us.
We all sat down as the announcer called everyone to silence. Keith sat on the throne in the middle of the small stage. Scarlett stood behind him to the right, smiling.
I waved at her. She smiled at me.
For the first time, she was truly happy. No more sadness from her brother's loss, no more fear of her powers, and no more hesitation.
The announcer greeted the whole assembly, thanking them for coming and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Then it was finnally time for the coronation. The announcer asked Keoth to stand up and he did.
Then the announcer said "Do you, Keith Ruewen, promise to govern and protect Lumenaria and its people for as long as you may rule as king?"
Keith nodded "I will."
Scarlett smiled proudly at her brother
The announcer smiled "Take your seat on the throne."
Keith did as he was told. The announcer took out a gold and silver crown with a gem in the middle and placed it on Keith's head.
"People of Lumenaria!" The announcer, erm... Anounced "I present to you your new king! All hail King Keith!"
We all repeated the praise and everyone cheered
Scarlett hugged her brother and he hugged her back.
I smiled seeing the two of them so happy.
Then Scarlett ran over and hugged me
"Thanks, Jim. I never couldve gotten my brother back without you." She told me
I smiled "Your welcome."
"Now, come on!" She said taking my hand and leading me to the games "This is gonna be fun!"

The games were held in the coutyard too. Since it was so big, there was no problem at all.
The first game was sword fight. Scarlett joined that game and she forced me to join too. The rules said that only boys can join, but since Keith was now king and Scarlett was technically the princess, they decided that girls can join too.
Me, Scarlett, plus Scotty joined swordfighting. Also some other guys joined. Scotty was drunk, that's the only reason he joined.
Scarlett was scary amazing in swordfight. She disarmed Scotty on the first hit. But, he was drunk so she cut him some slack. The other guys tried but she still beat them. So, obviously, Scarlett won first place. I won second, since she went easy on me. And some other guy named Denrios won third place.
The second game was log throwing. So, naturally, we descided that we wont join that since neither of us can throw logs into the air. We both sat down on a wooden bench, drinking some of Scarlett's favorite juice from a fruit called Silenia. Surprisingly, it tasted great!
Scarlett took another swig from her canteen "You know why I like this stuff?"
"Because it tastes amazing?" I guessed
She laughed. The silver streak of her hair got out of her ponytail and she was still a bir sweaty from the sword fight but she still looked great "Well, asides from that. It was the juice my mother always gave me. It would always make me feel close to her. Close to home."
I studied her face "Why did you turn down being the ruler of Lumenaria?"
She looked at me "It just doesn't feel right. Plus, it would mean i would stay here forever. I mean, i love this place, but i also love adventuring."
"Plus you wouldn't see me." I said smirking
She smiled and let out a small laugh "Yeah. That too."
"You know what? After all of this, i'll take you out. Something normal for a change." I said to her.
She raised her eyebrow "You mean, like a date?"
"Yeah. Sure. Just the two of us." I said
She smiled "Sure, Jim. I'd love that."
I kissed her
Then a corn horn blew across the entire feild
"What's that?" I asked her
Scarlett's face lit up "Dragon race."
She stood up and whistled. Shadow landed infront of us
She mounted Shadow "Come on, Kirk. Your going to play this game."
I frowned "I dont have a dragon."
She had that mischevious sparkle in her eyes
"I was hoping you would say that."
I reluctantly mounted the dragon
"Hold on." She said
And we shot up in the sky

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