What is Love?

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Jordan wondered what love really was. And then Karl walked up to her and knew she was upset about something.
"What's wrong Jordan?" Karl asked curiously.

"Colby is all weird. He won't even talk to me now. I don't know why."

"I have known Colby for a while and trust me, I think he likes you."

"Ew. I don't want Colby to like me." As usual, Jordan rejects love. Or liking. Unless it's with an animal. Then she's totally interested.

"Why not? You both seem perfect for each other."

"Karl, that's what I'm afraid of... I just... Don't want to only like a person. I want to love them instead of just liking them."
"But Jordan, that's where everything begins. It starts with you liking them."
The fog had diminished from Jordan's heart. And it was clear now that she liked him. And Karl's words burned into her soul and she knew that she would be with him. She ran. Jordan ran far away from Karl and ran to Colby. And herded him to a brick wall at the school. She looked him in the eyes and asked him exactly what she needed to.
"Colby, do you like me?" Colby froze and tried to laugh it off.

"Wha-?" Colby said with a sly smile.

"Okay, you just need to tell me."


"You do. And I'm gonna tell you something YOU need to know." Colby looked surprised and scared and excited at the same time.

"I am willing to try this, and if you do like me. Then let's see if this will work." Colby was speechless, and happiness filled his heart and soul. He finally felt important to Jordan. And that he completed her. Then Karl had finally got to Jordan.

"Well, I missed whatever that was. You kind of just left me there." Karl said with red cheeks.

"Sorry, Karl. I just had to get something out there, something I should have said a long time ago." Colby stared at Jordan with his back against the wall, while feeling amused and scared and joyful all at the same time.

"I almost forgot!" Jordan announced with confidence. Because what she was about to do changed her whole aspect of Colby in every way, shape, and form. She grabbed his T-Shirt collar and pushed him against the brick wall and kissed him on the lips. She felt very warm and her nerves spiked with excitement. And Colby felt very confident and knew that Jordan and him would be together for a long long time.

Jordan and Colby, A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now