One - The Reunion

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Morro's POV

"Turn on, ya dumb robot!" an unfamiliar voice scolded.

What?! What is this? Why am I here? Where is here? Robot? I'm alive? Or am I dead? I'm awake, I swear, I just don't understand what's going on! I opened my eyes. I'm in the NinjaGo Museum, but why? And how? I slowly turned my head to the right. Ghoultar? I turn to the left. Bansha? They're here?! They're alive too?! I then looked in front of me. Standing in front of me were two men. Kai and Jay. The ninja?! What?! Am I seriously alive?

"I think you angered Morro, Kai," Jay said. "And it's not a stupid robot. It's a singing and dancing-well, maybe not dancing, but definitely singing-machine! Haha!"

"Alright, but does it work? Wouldn't want the kids to be disappointed, would we?"

"Of course it does!"

"Jay, this is the first time your testing these animatronics."

"I know, but my inventions always impress!" And with that, Jay pushed a button on a remote. I had no control over what happened next, that remote controls me.

"They say, go slow
And everything just stands so still.
We say, go go!"

And so I then sang The Weekend Whip. When the song finished, Kai applauded Jay.

"Ha! Why did I doubt you?" he said. And with that, the two left the establishment.

And locked up for the night.

Upon closer inspection, I saw a curtain that had a sign beside it. I couldn't read it from the distance I was at, so I decided to test my new "body". I took a step forward, only to be interrupted.

"Where are you going, Morro?" Bansha!

"Bansha?" I turned around to face her.

"Oh my god! You're alive!"

"Ghoultar here too."

"Ghoultar! You have no idea how much I missed you guys!"

I only now realize I have a microphone in my hand, and I'm wearing a black bow tie. I put my hand to my head, and feel a set of bear ears, as well as a black top hat. Ghoultar has purple bunny ears, a red bow tie, and a red and white electric guitar. Bansha has a cupcake on a silver plate in her hand. The cupcake was blue with pink frosting, and a candle. It also had eyes, and the way the frosting was shaped made it look like it had a mouth. Over all, it looked creepy.

"Bansha, that cupcake is creeping me out."

"Tell me about it," she remarked.

"I'm gonna go and see what's behind that curtain over there."

"Ghoultar saw a man over there before. He put sign that said 'Sorry! Out of order.'"

"Out of order? Did either of you see what was in there?"

"No," Bansha said. "But every now and then we here it singing."

"Dum dum diddly-diddly dum. Dum dum-a-dum diddly-diddly dum," a voice sang.

"Here he goes again." Ghoultar rolled his eyes.

Without another word, I turned around, stepped off the stage, and approached the curtain. The sign read "Sorry! Out of order.", just as Ghoultar said.
I slowly opened the curtain.

"Hello?" I asked.

"The sign says 'Out of Order' fool." It said.

I heard Ghoultar and Bansha approach from behind, they must also be curious to see what was in the curtain.

"Uh...I'm Morro, and this is Bansha, and Ghoultar..."

"What?!" The thing asked. It then stepped out of the darkness of its curtain, and revealed itself.

Soul Archer.

"Soul Archer?!" I asked ecstatically. "Is it really you?!"

Bansha and Ghoultar were just as happy as I was. Soul Archer was also smiling. He had a set of red fox ears, an eyepatch, and a hook for a hand. We all hugged. All of us are here! Whatever this fate may be, we're all in this together. Well, almost all of us.

"Where's Wrayth?" I asked.

"I haven't seen him," Soul Archer replied.

"Nor have I," Bansha stated.

"Ghoultar don't know."

We then heard an all-too familiar laugh. By the time the four of us had turned around, it was too late.


He had dived after us and tackled the four of us to the ground. He had a purple hat and bow tie, and golden bear ears. He too had a microphone. He looked up at us, and to our horror, he had no eyes. Just black eye sockets. But I looked a bit closer, and was able to identify small, white pupils. Good. He can see, at least.

"Hey guys! And Bansha!" He said happily.

"Yay! The gang's all here!" I yelled happily.

"Yay!" We all cheered.
But then we heard a creak from the front door. Someone was coming! We rushed back to our positions.

"So, you think you can handle it?" Kai again?

"Sure! I can do this."

"Good. We need the money for Sensei's retirement."

"I told you, I got it. How hard can it be?"
I am now able to recognize the second voice.

Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon. The Green Ninja.

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