Two - The Plan

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"How hard can it be? All I have to do is watch the security cameras, right?"

"Yes, and make sure nothing happens to the animatronics over night, got it?"


So Lloyd is our new Night Guard...


I got very bored after two hours. Four more hours of this nonsense. I guess Soul Archer fell asleep, and I have no idea where the heck Wrayth is. But whatever. Bansha almost fell asleep as well. I just stood there bored. I guess Lloyd forgot one key rule about us: never get Ghoultar bored. He stepped off of the stage and made his way through the party area in front of us. Honestly, of all places we had to be stuck, it was in the kids' section of the Museum. Go figure. Anyway, Ghoultar entered the supply closet, and we didn't see him after that. We heard Lloyd shriek with terror a few times, however, so I guess we do know where he is.

He's trying to kill Lloyd.

The perfect revenge plot. Kill him, for killing us. Not only that, but we can stuff him into one of the extra animatronic suits in the supply closet. I'm a genius! I'll explain my plan to the others tomorrow.

For now, though, we just watch Ghoultar try to sneak up on Lloyd, enter his office, and kill him. Sounds easy enough. But easier said than done. Eventually the clock rung, 6AM. The end of the night, the Museum will be opening soon.

I decided to sing Lloyd a farewell song.

"Though we tried our best you seem to have beginner's luck.
We came so close but we just couldn't make you one of us.
Congratulations are deserved, it's 6AM you win.
We'll see you here tomorrow night, and do it all again."

Lloyd shook in fear as he left. Good. He won't last tomorrow, I'll make sure of that.

For pretty much the rest of the day, we stood on the stage and played our music, Soul Archer got really bored in his cove, so I checked on him often. Eventually, I heard him singing a rather longing tune, despite being upbeat.

"But I just want to be noticed
I only crave your gaze
But when you look away
From my display
It sends me in a craze."

"Soul Archer, are you okay?" I asked him worriedly.

He stopped singing. "Does it REALLY look like I'm okay?! Do you think, being alone all day and night EVERY day and night makes me feel 'OKAY'?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! OF COURSE I'M NOT OKAY!!!! IF ANYTHING, I'M IN PAIN!!!!" I saw a tear fall from his eye. He shut his curtain with his hook and mumbled, "Just go away...leave me alone..."

" want privacy, and I respect that." And with that, I walked back to the Show Stage.

"What happened?" Bansha asked me.

"He just wants to be left alone, or so he tells me. I think he needs company, if anything.

"I really feel bad for him. Being stuck alone behind a curtain all day and night like that. Why do you think he's out of order? I mean, we just arrived here."

"Maybe he broke or something. Every now and then I see Jay walking over there with a toolbox, so I guess he's trying."


A child, no older than 4, then walks up to us. "Hello, Morro!"

Her mother then calls her over to eat some pizza. Ugh. I'm not much of a kid person. But that's just me.

But then I saw something strange out of the corner of my eye, something bright green. While no one was looking, I walked over to the supply closet. The door was open ajar, probably because Ghoultar had left it open from the night before. I walked in, and found Soul Archer's bow. I decided to bring it to him.

I walked up to The Archer's Cove and slowly pulled the curtain open. It jerked shut.

"Soul Archer, it's me."

"Go away, Morro."
"I have something for you."

"What is it?"

I opened the curtain and handed him his bow. He seemed shocked that I had found it, but very very grateful at the same time. He leaped forward and gave me a hug.

"How can I repay you?"

"It was nothing, really."

"Thank you...I-I...I'm really sorry. For earlier...the way I yelled at you. I shouldn't've done that."

"It's okay. Friends forgive each other, and I'm your friend." And with that, the lights turned off. Here we go again.

A/N: Link to "It's Me" by TryHardNinja:

Link to "Noticed" by Mandopony:

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