eight from the shattered-hearts

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opal's mother entered. she could feel opal's sorrows running around her room. the sunlight wasn't enough to make it bright. she looked at her lost daughter and she could notice how her eyes were losing its blue color and getting closer to grey. her orbs were big thirsty for light.

opal looked back at her mother. she raised her head as if she was looking at the sky, but her look wasn't a look of admiration and wonder it was a look of worries and fear.

her mother sighed. that kind of sigh that escaped from the heart when it was tightened by the chest. her mother turned on the light and opal quickly collected her things from the floor, then sat on her bed.

she didn't say anything to her. it was strange that her mother came to her room without glares of anger. she only came when there was a trouble. opal was afraid from the news that she was going to collect from her mother's angry words. she started to pull at her fingers, trying to pull out all of the demons that were inside her. she mimicked her mother's sigh and swallowed.

her mother sat beside her and opal's heart and stomach started a revolution. she couldn't look at her, she didn't want more problems.

"opal," said her mother.

she is not angry, she is not angry! opal thought.

opal took a deep breath. her mother's voice wasn't occupied by anger or dragged by disappointed, but it was weak. it was as weak as the shattered hearts.

opal swallowed. "yes."

opal was not brave enough to look into her mother's eyes. she was afraid that her mother would read what she was hiding behind hers or that the green eyes of her mother would be holding the color of the forest at night.

"do you have any friends? you never talk about them." opal could feel the weak smile on her mother's lips.

opal was shocked.

it had been two years since her mother had a proper conversation with opal.

"they're like shadows. they're with me in the day, when i am not alone and surrounded by trees, but when the night comes and the darkness fill the woods they vanish."

"what about us opal?"

opal was now speechless.

not like when the poets were speechless because of the beauty of the moon and the stars and not speechless as a person who heard their lover saying "i love you" back.

she was speechless because it was so hard to explain.it was so easy for her mother to ask but hard for opal to answer.

she knew what her mother was trying to do. she was trying to reveal what is behind opal's eyes. sometimes describing what saddened the heart was harder than describing it with the word 'dark'

"you're like waves, mum. you're always here at day and at night, but you never understand."

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