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Alison's POV

I'm scared.

Too scared to go back there, to Rosewood.

Know why? Because of her. It's like.. She's the only thing that keeps me going.

I'm afraid that she will disown me. What we had was special. There was always an unspoken bond between us. Even down to the way we looked into each other's eyes.. I could've done that for hours.

Her eyes told a story no book ever could.

What we had. The...friendship, was magical, it was deep. It was different.

But I left. Truth is, I left to keep her safe, to keep her alive.

It was me or them, the girls. And every time, whether it be in the past, now or even in years to come; I'd pick them.

Their happiness and safety over mine, always.

But again, that's not me. That's not Alison DiLaurentis. If I was to tell anybody the real reason I left, they would never believe it.

And that's why I'm scared to.

If there was one person, one chance, that anyone out there would believe me. It would be her.

She knew me, sometimes; she knew me better than I knew myself.

When times get tough (and believe me, with the things I have experienced these past two years; "tough" doesn't even come close), I think of her.

I think of her smile. Her laugh. Her eyes. Her beautiful face. Her intelligent and interesting mind. I think of her love and passion for swimming. Her love of her friends, she loved us more than words could describe, and she made it pretty clear.

I think of her love of happy endings. You see; she was big on happy endings.

That was one reason why I loved her.

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