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Emily's POV

I unlocked my phone and went to the music app, I had no particular song in mind, I honestly just needed to escape my thoughts.

I pressed shuffle and went to lay down, I just needed to shut my eyes, breathe and relax.

A few songs went by before one caught my attention, I knew that I had definitely heard it before, but just couldn't put my mind to it.

And then it hit me:

"Oh, there she goes again,
Every morning it's the same
You walk on by my house
I wanna call out your name

I want to tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing
You got me thinking what we could be 'cause

I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you
This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait, I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever

In my dreams you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Or is that just me and my imagination

We walk, we laugh, we spend our time walking by the ocean side
Our hands are gently intertwined
A feeling I just can't describe
All this time we spent alone, thinking we could not belong to something so dang beautiful
So dang beautiful"

Tears filled my eyes as I cupped my hand over my mouth. This song. This one song. Our song.

I hadn't listened to it since she had been gone, it brought back too many memories, too many feelings. I should've deleted it the moment I knew she was never coming back, but I couldn't bring myself to.

It's as if I could feel my heart shatter right then and right there. All this time I tried to convince myself that I was over her, that I could move on from these one sided (or so it seemed) feelings. That I could come to terms with the fact I may never see my first lo- her.. See her again.

She was like a drug; but no rehab could fix it.

Author's note:

Please let me know what you think of this!!! Whether it was terrible or okay please let me know! I knew I had to update but I was outta ideas rn so this just came into mind. Also if you want to let me know some ideas for future chapters, storylines, characters, anything and everything, feel free! I want everyone to enjoy reading this.

Thank you all for the reads, votes and comments. I hope you all have a lovely day :)

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