Mutation Day

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"There's no point in separating them. They seem so happy together! I'll just take all four of them."
The store clerk got a bowl and put some water in it for the mans new turtles. "Alright sir here you go." Handing him the bowl and putting the tiny Terrapins in one by one.
"I'll make sure you have good long lives." The man thought to himself. One of the babies looked up at him as he walked, hoping he and his brothers would be going somewhere nicer than the pet store. Distracted with his new friends the man did not notice a suspicious character coming his way. The person bumped into him carrying a peculiar bottle of substance.
I'll follow him, make sure he doesn't get into trouble he thought. But that was the greatest mistake he could ever have made.
The man followed the other down to an alleyway, where an identical man was. Except he was carrying a dog crate. The now creepy pair of twins looked at the man hiding behind a wall.
"This is a place in which you should not be in this place" said one.
The other set down the dog crate and brought the man into the alley with the other. But he fought back. In he process he spilled the substance the other was carrying onto himself and felt a burning sensation so terrible he dropped his pets into it. He screamed out as the men got away from the scene.
(You know what happened then)
"He-hello?" Said the man.
Crying was heard, scared children. He looked around to see his four pets. He reached out for them, trying to clam him down, examining them. And then at his own hands. He was not human anymore.
After the children stopped crying even more wails could be heard. From the dog crate. The man crawled over to the crate, unlatching it. A cramped toddler was inside. Alarmed he took the child out and cradled it. But something wasn't right about it. It was in a white lab robe. Almost like it was getting a surgery. And it's arms had a couple tiny feathers protruding out. He looked over the child to see if there were anymore feathers anywhere else, and there were! But in the shape of tiny wings.

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