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It was a Thursday. Alice was packing her clothes for a trip to her new campus, to which she will be leaving for in less than a month. It's crazy to think she is going to be gone, away at school.

I paced her floors, trying to clear my mind. It seemed foggy since I had took a sleeping pill. The past few days have been hell. Not being able to sleep was one, then my mother forbidding me to go back to London. It's stupid to think that she could stop me from going.

Two days ago we had this huge argument. That is why I've been staying at Alice's. Yet, it feels nice, like the way it used to. I've been sent to the couch tonight though, because she has a huge test to prepare for. I like it here though.

I had helped her plan for this. Filling out applications was part of it. There was a ton of colleges to apply for in London. So, we tried them all. The only one who had sent a letter back, saying she got in was, Newcastle University. Which was not in London.

It was four hours and thirty seven minutes, to be exact, from London. Which is about ten hours from Halifax. Which kills me inside every time she brings up the distance. If I did move to London, I'd be closer to her.

I was there when she got the acceptance letter. It was sent through her mail slot in the door. She bent over to pick it up, looking over the envolope insanley. When she had sat at her desk in her room, she seemed confident. We only applied to this one out of spite.

She was mumbling to herself as she opened it and I smiled at her. Her face dropped and she crumpled up the letter and through it behind her. She huffed, then folded her arms across her chest.

"You didn't get in?" I had asked. "We'll try somewhere else."

"I got in Ed." She whispered to me and my heart stopped.

"That's great!" I tried to be cheerful, I remember that. Hardest moment ever.

Alice said she didn't want to go because of me. That it was tooooo faaaar! Of course, being stupid and nice, I told her to go for it. This was a great school and I would fly out to see her, or take the train.

The worst thing I have ever did. She listened to me.

Yet, was I ready to pick everything up and move? Probably.

I would move for her. Plus no one really needs me here. My mum doesn't seem to mind me being gone anymore, what's left? Nothing. I haven't decided though. Ugh.


I trudged down the stairs, finally reaching the last step with a sigh. All the windows were open, cool Spring air blowing in. I sucked in a deep breath and went into the kitchen, where my Grandmother and mum sat. I nodded a hello as they continued talking, deciding to make myself a cup of tea.

"Your mum told me about your girlfriend." Grandma said. I turned to face her and smiled.

"She did?" I asked, popping a sugar cube in my mouth.

"Yes, darling, she seems rather nice. Will you be taking her to the prom?"

Prom? I have not thought about that. She's leaving in April, a month before the occasion. Would she come back for it?

"She's a beautiful young women," She muttered. "Did you know your grandfather and I met when we were only sixteen."

I smiled and my mum shook her head, "That was back then mum."

"Are you going to marry her, Eddie?" Grandmum asks me.

I shrugged at my grandmother and grabbed my cup of tea, and poured it down the drain. They looked at me like I was crazy, maybe I was. I waved goodbye, not saying where I was going. I just piled in my car, like usual, and left. Pulling away from the driveway, grabbing my mobile phone, and dialed Alice's number.

The Untold Story of Alice // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now