I'm Just Waiting On The Gold Rush

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The beeping woke me up and out of my dreams. I quickly woke up and noticed the loud noise was coming from the smoke alarm. I wonder how long it was going off. It seemed like it was just happening in my dream, until Bellini kept pawing my nose. I was up.

I groan and sat up, wiped the sleep out of my eyes and checked the clock. It read nine. I couldn't believe how short of a time I slept. Considering I went to bed at four AM. Yet, it seemed like the day had started and I needed to get up.

The other side of my bed was cold. Where was Alice? I jumped off the bed and grabbed the broom from the corner of my room. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, being from just waking up. I poked the alarm over and over again, until it fell from the ceiling. I sigh and hit it a couple of more time, before it's fully silent.

I stretch once more, before opening the door and walking into the kitchen. My cat by my side. Where was she? I poured a bowl of cereal for myself and a bowl of food for Bellini, the meowing finally driving me insane. I took my food and went back to bed, flicking on the television set.

A note that sat on the pillow of her side of the bed caught my attention. I picked it up quickly, her bubbly handwriting covering the tiny post-it note. It read, 'I'll be back in five.' I sigh and throw it on the floor beside me. I took a bite and checked the time once more. Nine thirty. It definitely has been five minutes.

I did the dishes and cleaned up the crumpled papers and Legos on the floor. I really couldn't believe I was cleaning. This only happened once in a million years. Yet, I guess I was so bored that's all I could do.

And when the time read eleven thirty, I gave up on cleaning. I fell back onto the couch and decided to call her again. Yet, she didn't answer again. It's been way longer than five stupid minutes. Well, I guess I'm left waiting for that moment to arrive.

Two hours later I'm worried. I pace the floor. Back and forth, back and forth. Bellini's eyes watch me, his eyes going back and forth, back and forth. I just roll my eyes and try to keep a positive attitude. Yet, I give up. I grab my phone from the couch cushion and dial Alice's number.

Thank God she answered. Her voice sounded nervous and shaky, but I ignore it. Considering that's how she is lately. I ask, "Where did you go?"

"I had to leave Ed." she says, sounding like she might cry.

"Well, come back silly." I joke.

"No, Ed. I had to leave for good."

I sigh. Not this again. It seems like she always leaves me. If I would ever leave, she would be pissed and we would have already been done for good. You did leave her, Ed, I tell myself. Which, I don't think actually counts and only Alice thinks that was me leaving her.

I try not to be angry. I try to make my voice come out light, but it doesn't work. I ask, "Where are you, Alice?"

"I can't-" I cut her off.

"Where the hell are you!" I yell.

"Maybe you should try and find me."

"Stop with your games! Tell me where you are!" I start to get angry.

She breathes heavily into the phone. I hang onto every word. Why the hell was she doing this? Why did she always have to do this? Then I decide to take a different approach. I try to be nicer and less angry.

"Fine, honey, let's play hide and seek." I say jokingly, trying to fake happiness.

Alice has a smile in her voice, but you could hear the tears forming, "I was kidding. I don't want you to find me."

The Untold Story of Alice // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now