If The City Never Sleeps, Then That Makes Two

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Dear Alice, 

     Here is my attempt at trying harder. I'm back in London. I could just call you, but, that's to easy. Plus don't you want to receive mail? Isn't it when you get mail in college everyone is like envy over you? You're welcome. 

      My dad officially blew at me. A huge fight-similar to your's with your dad. I thought he'd kick me out for sure, but he didn't. I just left. Now I'm at my apartment. I hung up more photos and made the place more homier. I hate it. 

      Letters are hard to write. Now here's the question portion of it all: So, how is college? Do you like your roomate? That was a stupid question, considering you're living with your Uncle. How is your uncle? I never did meet him. He seems cool though. Is your room pink? Probably. 

      Your mum is going to send the last package today. Just with the stuff you might need. And money. 

      I'm only a few hours away from you now. That's good right? Conner moved down there, he's at the same university. Maybe you could start hanging out with him. Even though I know you like James better. (I do too, sort of) 

      I am working my first EP of work. Amy, who I told you will be helping me, is actually very nice. We've written about two songs so far, all love ones. I think you'd love them. 

      Well-I better let you go. I mean it is a letter. You could just read it later if you don't have the time. Ah, whatever. 

                                                        Love Ed. 

Dear Ed, 

     You are a weirdo. When I first got your letter, I wanted to laugh so hard. 

     School is hard. It is way different from the school back home. More work. Sorry I always sound so tired and rushed on the phone. There is so much to do! AH! I also loved the letter and the fact when we're on the phone we don't even talk about it. 

     My uncle is cool, I guess. I have no clue where he works, but he's always away at night. We eat out every night, or I eat Ramon. Typical college food. The only insane thing about is he's like thirty, right? And isn't married. He just brings back different girls ever night. You'd think they would like have sex, but they don't. They just talk and dish out money. 

     I think he does drugs. I know that's weird to assume. Since he is my mother's younger sibling. Yet, I am being completely serious. No joke. 

      My room is NOT pink. It's actually a boring beige color, but since I'm never there, it doesn't bother me. A nice plain room. Nice enough. 

       Amy seems nice, honestly. I want to be the first to hear the album, besides you guys' of course. 

Every asks about my engagement ring. I tell them all the same thing. All about you. It's still a little wacked up that I'm getting married to you. I mean I expected this, I really did.

      I miss you. Mwah! 

                                      Love Al, xoxo

Dear Alice, 

     The people at the post office thought I was crazy. Since no one sends letters anymore, unless you are old. Hey! We're different. Glad you actually wrote back. Ha! Glad. (Don't get mad, get Glad.) I saw that commercial in America a few years back. It was my favorite.

     So you're uncles pretty chill? That's weird he has girls over everyday. Maybe he's a pimp. Just kidding.  

The album is almost done. I'll get you signed copy, I know the guy. He's actually a pretty handsome, son of a bitch. Cute Ginger, that is for sure. 

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