Chapter 1 - The Introduction

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Phil's POV

I sat on my bed thinking. All I was doing these past few hours was thinking.

I gotta tell him. I think I'm in love with Dan... My best friend. But what if it ruined our friendship? If that ever happened, I don't know what I'd do... Besides, I'm not even sure if he's not straight. If I tell him and he's straight he could start to feel weird around me... If that happens then he may never talk to me... He might hate me. What are you saying, Phil? He'd never hate you. He's so understanding and even if he didn't like me, maybe we could both just forget about it. Maybe? Why is this so hard? 

I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Phil?" The familiar voice of Dan called through the door. "You've been in there for hours. When are you coming out? I'm starting to worry. Can I come in?" His voice was full of panic.

Did he really care this much about me? I grinned from ear to ear at this thought.

I got up and opened the door to find a worried Dan standing there. To my surprise, Dan flung himself towards me and wrapped his arms around my waste with his head buried in my shoulder.

"Whoa, whoa. Are you okay? I'm fine." I smiled, hugging him tighter.

"The worst thoughts were going through my mind about why you were in your room so long. I had to make sure you were okay." He said while sniffing in.

Was he crying?

"Don't worry. I promise I'll always be here." I said, loosening my embrace and finally meeting my light blue eyes with his beautiful dark brown ones. 

Dan smiled wiped his tears away.

"Do you want me to make us some dinner?" I asked.

"Pancakes?" He asked with a cute puppy dog face.

"For dinner?" I asked, laughing a bit.

He nodded his head in the cutest way possible. "Well I can't say no now..." I said, playfully pushing his shoulder.

As I flipped the pancakes on the stove, Dan waited in the living room playing video games. Every now and then I'd hear him yell, "DIE EVIL SCUM!" or something alone those lines. Each time I quietly laughed at him.

I got to thinking again. I'll definitely tell him tomorrow. I said that yesterday, but this time I was 1,000% sure.

After eating our pancakes, it was already 7PM. "Well, I'm gonna go on the interwebs until I go to sleep. See you tomorrow." Dan smiled and got up to wash off his plate.

"Okay," I smiled and cleaned my plate as well. "Good night."

"'Night." He smiled again and left the kitchen.

I decided to go to bed earlier than I normally do. I knew it wouldn't be easily getting to sleep... I've got to tell Dan that I think I love him...


I woke up to my alarm and smacked it so hard it fell off the nightstand... At least it turned off.

Today's definitely the day.

I got up and changed into a nice plaid button up shirt and my special black skinny jeans. I walked into the living room to surprisingly see Dan already sitting on the couch wide awake.

"Up already?" I asked him.

"Mhmm," he smiled over at me from the TV.

Do it now. My mind yelled at me.

"Uhh, Dan?" I asked in a nervous voice.

"Yeah?" He turned off the TV. "Are you alright?" He sounded worried again.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

"What is it then?" He got up and walked closer to me.

"Well, I -- uh." And right at that moment Dan's phone went off. Perfect timing... "Go ahead, you can answer it."

He took out his phone and I saw him smile. "Hello?" He said in a sexy sort of voice. 

Whoever it was, it didn't take long for Dan to say, "okay, bye. See you in a minute!"

"Who's coming?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He grinned. "I've got to go to the front and meet 'em. I'll only be a minute."

I nodded and he picked up his coat and quickly threw it over himself. He ran out the door, practically slamming it on his way out.

About a minute and a half later, he came in the door with a pretty attractive guy.

"Phil, this is Lucas."

I smiled, "hi, nice to meet you."

"This is my boyfriend." And I swear at that exact moment my heart shattered.


A/N: Hello! Thank you for reading this! I really hope you liked it! I know this chapter was really short, but they will probably get longer!

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