Chapter 11 - Second Chance

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Lucas' POV

I was laying in my bed when my phone suddenly started to ring. I reached for the phone expecting it to be Dan or Phil. They were the only two people who believed that I've actually changed. I've told everyone and all I've gotten from everybody else were "yeah right" and "I highly doubt that." I looked at the name... Incoming call: Ian

My ex boyfriend? Why was he calling me? My heart dropped. I couldn't have been more scared. What did he want? 

I answered:

"Hello?" My voice trembled.

"H-hey. Um what's up?" Ian sounded scared too...

"Not much. I just woke up." My tone gained confidence. 

"Oh cool. Me too. You know... ever since you told me you changed, I really, with all my heart, wanted to believe you."

"You can believe me. I really have changed, I promise." 

"I really hope you're telling the truth because I was wondering... do you maybe wanna try us again?" 

"Really?" I practically squealed. "I'd love to!" A tear of pure happiness rolled down my cheek. 

"Oh man, you have no idea how scared I was of asking you that. I was almost certain you'd say no." Ian let out a small, breathy laugh. 

"Of course I wouldn't say no." I smiled, although I knew Ian couldn't see me.

"Wanna come over my place to talk?" Ian asked. 

"Yeah, sure." I still couldn't stop smiling. "I'll be there soon, I gotta get dressed." 

"Okay, see you then." 


"Bye." Ian sounded happier than ever which made me have butterflies in my stomach. 

Before doing anything, I dialed Dan's number to tell him and Phil what just happened. 

"Hello?" Dan answered.

"Hey! You'll never guess what just happened!" 

"You sound happy. What happened?" 

"Ian, my old boyfriend, finally kind of believes that I've changed. He's giving me another chance. I'm going over his house right now."

"Oh my gosh that's awesome! I'll tell Phil!" I heard mumbling from Dan and Phil.

"Hey, it's Phil. I'm so happy for you!" 

"Thanks! I gotta be off now though. I gotta get ready." 

"Alrighty, have fun! Protect yourself." Phil giggled.

"PHIL!" I laughed too. 

We were both laughing as we said bye and hung up. 


I got to Ian's house and rang the doorbell. It seemed like only a couple seconds before the door flew open to an attractive boy who goes by the name of Ian. 

"Well, you certainly haven't changed." I smiled.

"Is that good?" He giggled. 

"Yeah," I looked him up and down. His blue eyes, blonde hair, red v-neck, and skinny jeans made him look like the most gorgeous boy on planet Earth. 

Ian laughed again probably noticing my staring. "Come in." 

I squeezed past him and we sat on the couch. "Nice place." I looked around the neat flat. Much neater than mine.

"Thanks," Ian's perfect teeth showed when he smiled at my compliment.

I looked at his perfection and started to feel really upset. "I'm sorry, Ian."

"What for?" He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Everything I ever did to you. How could I be such a jerk to you? You're so amazing and I was so cruel."

"Was... Was so cruel. I'm not gonna lie. You could have been much nicer, but you are now and that's all that matters. Facing the fact that you did something wrong is so brave. Apologizing for it is even braver."

Tears were filling my eyes. 

*Flashback* (Lucas' POV)

I banged on Ian's door, furious with him. He never told me he always texted one of my friends. He's probably cheating! My rage was filling up the longer I waited at the door. "LET ME IN IAN!"

Ian quickly opened the door. "What's wrong?" Panic filled his eyes. 

"You're cheating on me AREN'T YOU?!" I pushed him through the door and onto the couch. "TELL ME THE TRUTH!" 

"What are you talking about? Lucas, I'd never cheat on you!" 

"You're texting Mark! He told me you guys text all the time! Why didn't you tell me?!" 

I slapped him really hard and got off of him. When he tried to get up, I shoved him onto the floor and stormed out of the house.

*End of flashback*

That was just one time I was cruel. I thought to myself.

"I can still see your scared eyes when I look at you and it breaks my heart." The tears were streaming down my face now. 

"It's okay. I'm not scared anymore." Ian tightly hugged me. "I love you."

"I love you too." 


A/N: Hey guys! So this chapter barely has Dan and Phil and it contains NO Phan cuteness, but please don't hate me. xD I wanted Lucas to get a chapter sometime and I figured now is a good time! :D Comments, votes, and shares will make me love you forever!

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