Part 1: Your First day

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          You were extremely upset with the fact that school was starting tomorrow. Your first day of Junior year to be exact. You hated school. The only thing that interested you was music, and your high school didn't have any music classes. They had to get cut because of the school's low budget. All of the money was going to the boys sports teams filled with those stupid jocks. You hated them. Especially the soccer/football players. Michael, Luke, and Ashton have been bullying you since 8th grade. At first it just started out as name calling. They called you things like "shorty, worthless, fat, ugly, and stupid," but that was in 8th grade. Over the years it has escalated to physical abuse. You were too scared to tell your parents about it, and frankly you didn't think they'd care. They're never around anyways. They're always busy traveling for work so it was basically like you lived by yourself.

The next morning your alarm wakes you up at 6:00 am, but you hit snooze once and actually get out of bed at 6:10. You slowly trudge over to your closet and choose to wear an All Time Low t-shirt you had bought at one of their concerts, and a pair of black skinny jeans. You applied some makeup, straightened your hair, then went downstairs to pour yourself some of your favorite cereal. You ate your breakfast quickly, and then brushed your teeth.

Before heading out the front door you grabbed your backpack, threw on your black converse, and grabbed your car keys. You lived fairly close to the school so it took you less than ten minutes to pull in and park. You grabbed your bag and headed into school. You had ten minutes before the first bell rang indicating you to head to your first class, so you head over to your locker and make sure you've got the combination down. (Every year they give you a new locker.) You find your locker number 327, and see that it's a bottom locker. Having a bottom locker didn't mind you too much seeings how short you are, but you had just kind of been hoping for a top locker for once. You open your locker correctly on the first try and put all of your binders and notebooks for all of your classes, except the first two, inside. As you shut your locker and stand up you bump your head hard on the open locker above you. Believe it or not you were used to this, but what you didn't expect to see was who's locker it was.

"Oh hey y/n! Wasn't it nice of them to give me the locker right above yours? Now I won't have to come and find you when you try and avoid us," says Luke, as Ashton and Michael walk up behind him with their arms folded. Knowing what was coming you quickly turned towards the lockers and scrunched down protecting your face, and chest, just in time for Luke to punch you right in the side. Ashton and Michael joined in. Just then you were saved by the bell as the boys left you balled up on the ground, and headed to their classes. That was going to leave some bruises.

You slowly walked to your first class, which happened to be health, and arrived just before roll call. You took the last open seat in the back next to the new boy. You noticed him looking at from as soon as you entered the room. Right as you became adjusted in your seat Mr. Q. then took roll call. You learned that the new boy's name was Calum Hood. After roll call Mr. Q. turned to write down the lesson on the whiteboard. You took out a notebook, and pencil right before Calum leaned over and whispered in your ear.

"Y/n, that's a pretty name. I like it." At first you couldn't believe what you heard. Was this boy actually hitting on you? Nobody liked you. Especially not someone like Calum. He was very attractive with his dark hair, and brown eyes. He had tanned skin, and tattoos on his muscular arms. He looked like someone who would be on the soccer/football team.

In response you just muttered, "thanks," under your breath and smiled at him. He must've heard you because he gave you a huge grin. You thought Calum was really good looking, but you didn't want to be too obvious or seem desperate. You tried not to look over at him too often, even though you could see him continually peering at you out of the corner of his eye.

You went to Algebra, Biology, and then to Spanish before heading to lunch. This was the time of day you dreaded the most. This was the time when you went to an empty lunch table in the corner and ate alone as everyone gave you either mean or "I feel sorry for her" looks, but do nothing to associate with me. You get in the lunch line to buy milk and a pizza. After you pay for it you walk over to the condiments table to grab a napkin. When you turn around Luke grabs the tray from you. You didn't really know what to do, so you just stood there looking at him as he takes a bite of the pizza.

"Oh, you weren't actually going to eat this were you? I mean look at you. You really need to start laying off the whole eating thing," he says to you. Michael walks up next to him and grabs the milk off of your tray that was currently in Luke's possession.

"Y/n you really should've gotten chocolate milk. I hate the white milk here," Michael tells you as he tosses the carton into the trash can. "Next time you better get the right kind." The boys left you and walked over to their crowded table to continue eating. You slumped over to an empty table and put your head down between your folded arms that were on the table. You hated school. Just then you heard a chair pull out, and a tray plop down on the table. You look up and see that's it's Calum.

"Hi. Uh, I hope you don't mind," he says.

"No, not at all," you smile. Calum sits down next to you. You look over at him and see that he has two pieces of pizza on separate plates, on his tray. He picks up one of the plates off his tray and slides it right in front of you.

"I saw what those guys did. I'm really sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply.

"You sure?"

"I'm used to it now. They've pulled this stuff on me since Junior High. They're just something I have to live with. I'm really sorry; you probably don't care," you say.

"No. I do care. No one should be treated like that. Especially someone as kind, and as beautiful as you. Listen I know this is the first time we've met and we don't really know much about each other, but I'd really like to hang out with you some time, maybe get to know each other better," he says. You blush and smile at him. You're really awkward around boys. You haven't really had any good experiences with any before.

"Are you busy after school today," he asks you.

"Uh, no. I'm free after school," you answer. "If you want we can hang at my house," you suggest. The bell rings.

"Sounds cool. So y/n, I guess I'll meet you out front after school," says Calum.

"Sure," you grin at him.

"It's a date then," he says, then walks over to clear his tray, and go to his next class.
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