Part 2: Calum

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The last four classes you had that day were English, Art, Study Hall, and then World Cultures. Calum happened to be in your English class too. Also he was signed up for Advanced Math, but it was a scheduling mishap because he hadn't taken the Junior level math class yet. He ended up being put in your Algebra class, but he had to be moved to a different health class. You loved that he would be in your English class, but now he won't be in your first class of the day. And of course Luke, Michael, and Ashton were in your Health class so tomorrow you'd have to deal with them alone, and sit by yourself. In Algebra and English Calum kept giving looking over at you and smiling. You could tell he too was excited to hang out after school.

You pretty much zoned out in all your classes. Of course Algebra and English went by much faster having Calum there. You'd had silent conversations with your eyes & smiles with him. Finally it was the end of the day. The bell rang, and you jumped out of your seat and slung your bag on your back. You headed down the stairs as quickly as possible, not wanting to keep Calum waiting. On your way down the stairs you saw Ashton coming up the stairs. You looked away and tried not to make eye contact, but the next thing you knew he had tripped you and you were falling down the last four stairs. Calum apparently saw what had happened so he rushed through the door into the stairwell. He quickly helped you up off your feet with one swift pull of the arm. He then ran right up the stairs to Ashton. Calum pulled Ashton closer to him by grabbing onto the collar of his shirt by both hands.

Calum: "You leave her alone you asshole."

Ashton: "Don't tell me what to do."

Ashton shoved Calum away from him and continued up the stairs. On his way back down to you Calum picked up all of your papers that had fallen out of your folder, and handed them to you.

You: "Thank you. You didn't have to do that."

You gave him a little grin.

Calum: "But I wanted to."

Before you could push open the stairwell doors Calums arm reaches for it from behind you. He holds it open for you.

Calum: "After you."

He smiles and walks up next to you. You were eye level with his shoulders. He reaches his right arm over your head and puts his arm around you. He jokes with you:

Calum: "You don't mind do you? My arm just got really tired."

Calum can't keep a straight face for long so he quickly smiled after he said it. You just giggled and grabbed his right hand that was on your shoulder. You walked like this all the way out the front door, and to the parking lot.

You: "So I guess you can just follow me to my house?"

Calum: "Yeah."

You and Calum each get in your separate cars, and drive off. On your way to your house you periodically glance in the rear view mirror to make sure that Calum is still behind you. Once you pulled into your driveway you both got out and walked to the front door. You unlocked the door and you both stepped inside.

Calum: "Nice place."

You don't know why he says this. You have a pretty average house not much different from other people's. You figured he must've just been being polite.

You: "Thanks."

You walked into the living room, Calum following behind.

Calum: "Y/n, are you okay?"

He must've noticed you were holding your side. He stood right next to you looking at your side then back up at your eyes. You could tell he was asking if he could see. You slightly lifted up your shirt on your left side revealing a massive dark colored bruise. You looked up at Calum.

Calum: "Did this happen when that guy Ashton tripped you on the stairs? Cause he better watch himself next time he tries to mess with you!"

You: "No. The falling down the stairs wasn't bad. Do you know Luke & Michael?"

Calum: "Are they the ones that did this? The ones that took your lunch!"

You nodded. Calum gently pushed your hand down to lower your shirt. He wrapped his arms around you, making sure to not lean against your side. When you release you pull your shirt off completely, (you had on a sports bra) and threw it on the couch. Calums gaze shifted from yours eyes and trailed down your body. He smiled at you. You went into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer. You went back into the living room and took a seat on the couch next to Calum.

Calum: "I swear. Tomorrow I'm going to beat those jocks so hard they won't know what hit them."

You: "No Calum. You can't."

Calum: "Why not? I'm not letting anything bad happen to you."

You: "Why do you care so much? We just met today. Nobody at school cares about me."

Calum: "Well you can't say that anymore because I do."

You: "You don't know anything about me."

Calum: "I know that you are a beautiful, and kind girl, and that you don't deserve anyone to treat you the way those soccer/football players treat you. Now let's do something fun. How about Netflix?"

He grabbed the remote and turned on the television.

You: "Thank you, Calum."

He leaned closer and put his arm around you. You rested your head on his shoulder and watched a movie. Your parents were away for work so they wouldn't be coming home today or tomorrow. After the movie you talked and laughed together. It was getting late so you told Calum that he could stay over he wanted, but he had told his parents he'd be home by 10:00. Calum grabbed his backpack, and you followed him out your front door and onto your porch.

Calum: "Thanks for letting me come over y/n."

You: "Thank you for being so nice to me. The only person who seems to accept me is you."

Calum: "Well that's their loss. I get to have all of your awesomeness to my self!"

You weren't used to this nice treatment at all. Today seemed like it had been too perfect! (Except for Luke, Michael, & Ashton). Your mind couldn't fathom this change. You couldn't believe Calum actually cared about you. You felt tears start to fill your eyes. Calum sees this and places his bag down next to him. He takes a step closer to you and embraces you.

Calum: "Y/n what's wrong? If it's about those guys at school you don't have to worry about them anymore. I promise I won't ever let them touch you again."

You: "No it's not that. I'm just not used to someone caring about me, and I just can't believe you're real."

Calum: "I could say the same thing about you."

He takes his arms back, but doesn't step away. He looks down at you and cups your face in his hands. He plants a quick kiss on your lips and smiles.

Calum: "Meet me in the parking lot at school tomorrow. I'll walk in with you. I don't want you going in there without me."

And with that you nodded. He grabbed his bag and got into his car. Before he left your driveway he honked and waved at you. You waved back, and then he drove away.

That night you slept the better than you had in the past 2 months. For once you weren't focused on the bullying. You couldn't dwell on something so negative when you had someone so positive had came into your life.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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