Justine and Johnson??

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Hey guys it's me Justine here writing I've been very busy lately....

Jack J aka Johnson POV//
Is all I heard was beep I shut it off I then turn over and looked at Justine and Alexander sleeping Alexander was in between me and Justine, she does have a room but I rather her and Alexander to sleep with me she only puts Alexander in her room for a nap tho me and Justine I guess you can say are a thing no one knows we are together except for Gilinsky and Dillion I'm not really sure like we do kiss and sleep together and hold hands and stuff but I don't know Justine and Alexander  has been living here now for 2 weeks now Cameron has been coming over everyday asking forgiveness I'm sure he will be back here again today like everyday well I better get up and go make some Johnson's famous Pancakes when I get up Alex's eyes flutter open he is just so cute I pick him up
"Come on lil buddy you can watch me make my famous pancakes" I said walking out of the room with him in my arms.
when I walk into the kitchen Gilinsky was drinking a bottle of water
"Oh I see you have lil guy with you" Gilinsky said smiling

"Yeah he's gunna watch me make my famous pancakes" I said putting Alexander in his hight chair

"Mmm I love your Johnson famous pancakes dude" Gilinsky said

"I know you do" I said getting the stuff together

"Anyway call my name when your done cause I know I'm not suppose to watch you make them" Gilinsky said walking out of the kitchen

"For sure dude" I said

Justine's POV//

My eyes flutter open when I look over too Johnson side of the bed Johnson and Alex were not there Johnson must of took Alexander with him so I get up go use the bathroom wash my face and hands then I walk into the living room I see Gilinsky watching tv I sit next to him

"Good morning Justine" he said

"Good morning Gilinsky where's Johnson at" I say

"In the kitchen with Alex" he says
I get up and walk towards the kitchen and I could hear Alexander saying mama
"How about dada Alex can you say dada" I heard Johnson say

"Mama mama mama Dada" Alexander said
I then just walk into the kitchen
And Alex just kept saying dada

"Wow you can say dada now Alex" I said walking over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Morning babe" Johnson said walking over to me to give me a kiss

"Morning" I said

"Wanna try some of my famous pancakes" he said

"Yeah sure" I said
Then Johnson yelled to Gilinsky and Dillion to come to the kitchen to eat
The two boys ran in here like there was no tomorrow

"Wow didn't know you guys love Johnson's famous pancakes so much" I said to them both

"There just so good" Gilinsky and Dillion said at the same time

They both sat down and Johnson all gave us pancakes
I took a bite of mine
"Omg Babe your pancakes there so" I was saying
"Awesome" Gilinsky said cutting me off
Then after breakfast I cleaned the dishes then I took Alex up to my room to get him dress and so I could get dress after I got dress and got Alex dressed I picked him up holding him on my hip I walk to the living room
I put Alex in his play pen so he could play I sat on the couch then Johnson came in and sat next to me
"How's my baby girl" he ask
"Id be Better if I had kiss" I said
He then looked at me and started to lean in I did as well are lips then crash together it felt so perfect like when the first time we ever kissed which was at Kian's house
Then I heard a knock at the door
So I pulled away and got up
I know it's Cameron he's been here everyday I walk to the door and when I open the door its Rachel
"Um uh hi Justine what are you doing here " she said
"Uh I live here and why are you here" I said
"I came here to talk to Johnson" she said
"To what tell him that the baby is not his he already knows that" I said
"No to apologia to him for cheating on him" she said
"Okay I don't know that he's even going to want to see you" I said
"Why can't you just be nice to me" she spat at me
"Wait me be nice to you rachel you kissed my husband you betrayed me I didn't sneak around with Johnson you guys weren't together at the time" I said
"You okay yes I kissed Cameron but that doesn't mean you have to hate me" she said
"Rachel I don't hate you I just don't want to be around you anymore sorry but I'm not going to forgive someone who kissed my ex husband but you can go and see Johnson he's in the living room " I said
Letting her in that's probably the most we talked since the whole thing happened

Jack Johnson POV//
I heard Justine talking but it was not Cameron so I decide to peek out and it was rachel why the fuck is she here I don't want to talk to her I'm not even the father to her unborn child Nash is why is she here
Then Alex started to cry so I walk over to him and picked him up then when I turned around rachel was standing there
"Um hey" she said
"What are you doing here" I said holding Alex
"To say that I'm sorry and I was dumb to cheat on you with Nash" she said
"No Rachel your apology is not accept because I know you love Nash you can't have both of us your carrying Nash's child not mine it would be different if was mine" I said putting Alex in his play pen
"Then why are you taking care of Alex when he's not yours" she ask
"He's not mine but Justine didn't cheat on me she was with Cameron and now of course they are not together anymore" I said
"Are you saying that you and Justine are a thing now" she ask
"Yes we are and I love her and Alex very much" I said
"So pretty much you have always liked Justine even when we were dating" she said
"I always had a thing for Justine but she was married but I've loved you and you were the one who cheated" I said
Then Justine just came into the living picked up Alex then walked back out
"You should leave" I said
"Why" she ask
"Because I don't want to talk to you or look at you" I said
Then Rachel got up and left
All she did was waste her time coming here
I go to look for Justine and i couldn't find her then I go to front door to see if she's out side and there she is talking to Cameron but talking him like all nice usually they are screaming at each other and he was holding Alex
Justine's POV//
I watched rachel leave
Then next thing you know Cameron pulls up great now I have to talk to him
He gets out of his car I walk outside with Alex holding him on my hips

"Hey I didn't come here to start a fight
Today I just want to know if I could take Alex for two days my mom ask if I could bring him to go visit her" he said/ask

"Um yes because you need to spend time with anyways he is your child I can't keep him away from you here I'll go and get his car seat and diaper bag" I said handing him Alex

"You don't have to do that I got all that stuff already and I have clothes for him" Cameron said

"Well this is going to be weird for me Alex  hasn't  never been away from me before" I said to Cameron
" well bye baby I'll see you in a couple of days" I said giving Alex a kiss on the forehead
"Bye Justine" Cameron said
Then he turned around and walked away he put Alex in his car seat then drove away
I turn around and walk inside

"Why did Cameron take Alex with him" Johnson ask me
"Because his mom ask him to bring Alex to go visit her but hey we got the bed to our selves tonight and tomorrow night  " I said

"Oh does that mean we can get freaky tonight" he ask

"We could start now Dillion and Gilinsky are not here" I said

Then Johnson picked me up and brought me to his room

When we got in there he locked his door and they threw me on the bed we started making out with me then it got heated as you know what I mean

*2 hours later*

Johnson flops to the side of me as we both lay here naked

"Gotta say best sex in a long time" he said

"Same here babe" I say then we both just fell asleep


First off I didn't know what to write for this chapter but I'll know for next time But girls I don't know who's turn it is but who ever it is just write

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