Leaving Cameron

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A/N:hey guys it's me Justine writing here a lot of stuff have been happening between me and the girls first it was Rachel and Tori fighting then me and Tori let's just hope us girls stick together......

Justine POV//
"Cameron hit the clock please" I said not opening my eyes but I heard nothing so I open my eyes and he wasn't there he must be with Alexander  I got up tried to get into my wheelchair yes I'm still stuck in this stupid thing I have 2 more weeks to go and I'll be out of this thing I finally get into my wheelchair I shut the alarm clock off then wheeled myself out of the room when I wheeled into the living room Nash was sitting on the couch with Alexander
"Nash where is Cameron" I ask
"I don't know I haven't seen him since last night" Nash said
"Okay weird" I said
"Oh yeah I made you breakfast it's in the microwave" Nash said pointing into the kitchen
"Thanks Nash" I said wheeling my self away into the kitchen
Got my food that Nash made as I was eating I was think about stuff There is so much in my head right now tori had the twins 2 weeks ago Rachel is Pregnant and I think she broke up with Johnson im still not talking to her I hate that she kissed Cameron like wtf I loss my second kid during the car accident with Alexander thank god he was okay I think Cameron is cheating on me because lately he has been staying out late sometimes leaves and doesn't come home until the next morning he barely talks to me hasn't been helping me with Alexander i could take care of Alexander but I'm in a wheel chair I don't know what's going on anymore with him 
After I was done eating my breakfast
I texted Cameron asking where is he but he didn't text back so I texted Tori
To.Tori: my main bestie: hey is Cameron at your place?
Fr. Tori: nope but I did see him drive by earlier
To. Tori: okay he was gone this morning and he's not texting me back
Fr. Tori: well gotta go twins are crying
To. Tori: okay
(End of text)
Why won't he answer me he has read it i don't know what's going on with him
I mean Alexander showed me my future with him I mean maybe it wasn't my future with Cameron maybe it was someone else
Then my phone beep I checked it hoping it was Cameron but it was Johnson asking if we could talk
To: Johnson: yeah just come over. I texted back he just text back saying okay.
"Oh um Justine Imma gonna take off I have to meet someone" Nash said coming into the kitchen
"Oh let me guest Rachel" I said
"Uh yeah Ill be back later" Nash said walking out the door
So I wheeled myself into the living room where Alexander was watching something on NickJr
He has grown bigger he is 8 months old
Christmas is coming up next month Tori's twins are November babies Alex is a march baby
I was watching tv with Alex until I heard someone knock on the door that's probably Johnson I just texted him to come in he walked into the living room
"You wanted to talk" I said
"Yes it's about Rachel and Cameron" he said siting down
"Then I don't want to hear about" I said
"No not about when Rachel kissed Cameron it's that I don't think I'm the father to Rachel's baby" he said
"I hate to be the one telling you this but your not Nash is the dad that's another reason why I'm not talking to her because she cheated on you with Nash" I said
"Yeah that's probably why she got mad and broke up with me I didn't want to tell you this but look" he said rising his phone up to show me it was a picture of Cameron kissing Maggie late at night at the grove
"It was posted this morning mean that picture was taken probably the night before" he said
"I don't know what to do" I said
Then Cameron just walked in the front door comes to the living
"Hey babe sorry I wasn't there when you woke up I had to go over to Nate's
"I'm just going to leave you to alone bye Guys" Johnson said getting up
I waited for Johnson to go out the door
"Weird because I text tori and she said that you weren't there but she saw you drive by so don't lie to me" I said picking up Alexander
"I'm not lying" Cameron said
"Yeah then explain this" I said showing him the picture that Johnson showed me
He just looked at the picture then didn't say anything
"Your cheating on me with Maggie " I said confronting him
"I can explain" he said
"Cameron I think we should divorce" I said
"What no we can't" he said
"Yes we are all you are doing to me is hurting me I'm done with you I packing my stuff and Alexander stuff too since you never have time for him either, me and alexander are leaving tomorrow" I said wheeling away with Alex to the guest bedroom where I have been sleeping for the last few weeks
I shut the door and lock it
I put Alex on the bed and he falls asleep with in minutes Cameron kept banging on the door to let him in but I didn't it's like 2:30 in the afternoon finally I got annoyed by Cameron begging so I wheeled out of the room leaving Alex in there because he was sleeping
"Justine please don't leave me I'm sorry I won't do it again" Cameron begged
"No Cameron I'm done with you okay now leave me alone" I said wheeling back into the room
"Oh and tomorrow in the morning we have the county Clark coming with the divorcing papers that you and u have to sign" I said then shutting the door

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