Saved by the bell

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Next day



"Oh thank god" I groaned the boys chuckled. I packed my stuff up then stretched "come one boys it's lunch time" I said to the triplets who were staring at me as they laughed. We walked a few blocks to the store "I'm gonna get a slushy" I skipped Ito the store "hey Anty" I said she waved and smiled " we'll hello? Who are these fine boys?" She winked t me and I blushed "the Bloodmoon triplets Jasper, Jackob, Jsn guys this is my Anty" I turned to the machine taking the biggest cup they had (16 ounces) and started filling it up swirled blue razzberry and Cherry. "Bye Anty see you tomarrow" " of corse dear love you" " love you too" and I walked out if the store.

Back at school

"Jasper your gonna run into some one" I scolded him, he was walking backwards smiling at me "I ain't gon- oof" "watch we're your going you ill murder you with a spoon" I giggled "hey Ron" "oh hey echo who is this dork" "dork who you callin dork" Jsn and Jackob walke up from behind him "crap echo I'm hallusanaiting (my friend who's this is based off of has metal issues she hallusanaites) " " Ron there's three triplets ya know" "oh" just then some guy who is shorter then Jsn (jasper oldest tallest Jackob middle middle Jsn youngest shortest 6'9" 6'8" 6'7") "hey Guys" "hey" 'hes touching mate' my wolf/vampire/ screamed counseling me to growle at the man he smirked "boys I think you have a groupy" he said not noticeing Ron "shut you supernatural ass" he blinked at me "what !" Ron said load they looked ya each other and I could see I their eyes the click causing me to skreach "shut up you banchee" Ron snapped at me "oh sorry but I can't believe you guys are mates" "how-"


saved bye the bell

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