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I don't know why I snapped like that. But then again, there is a lot of things that I don't know. Like why I called Mike last night. And why I was crying like I was. Or why I felt immense comfort and safety overcome me when he wrapped his arms around me to pick me up. Or why I feel so nervous around him. Once I'm home and in my room, I quickly change out of my shorts and into sweats and head over to find my old friend, whiskey, before sitting on my bed and taking a few swigs. The whisky on top of my already existing hangover knocks me out, and in no time I am fast asleep.


I'm back in the bathroom throwing my guts up into the toilet. But as I look closer, it's not the bathroom I was in at the party. I look around dizzily. Where am I? my eyes cast over to the bench where a pregnancy test lay. I look closer to see a + sign showing up on the display screen. Please tell me this is not mine. I walk out of the bathroom to find I am in Michaels apartment.

"Hey Beautiful, how did the test go, am I going to be a daddy?" he asks, wrapping his arm around my waist.

What? Beautiful? Daddy?


I wake up in a cold sweat. What the hell was that about? My hand quickly moves to my stomach, only to find it at its normal size. It was just a dream, I repeat to myself. A fucking weird one at that. I glance over to the clock and see that it is 3 in the afternoon. Deciding I am hungry, I make my way down stairs to grab some food. To my horror my father is there.

"Imani, you weren't here when I got home last night?" he said, while stirring his coffee. He usually gets breaks from work every now and then; I just didn't think he would come home.

"No different to any other night" I remark, grabbing a cookie out of the jar.

"Have you been drinking?" he asks. I must admit, I probably reek of the stuff.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" I say to him.

"Mani, I thought..."

"You thought what? That I'd give up drinking? And smoking? You thought wrong" I say before storming up to my room.

I go to my closet and grab out a tank top, my favourite white American apparel skirt, and my jean jacket over the top. I make sure to pull my tank top down slightly to show my lace black bra. I then chuck on the platform boots, adding an extra 3 inches to my height. I completely straighten my hair, and pull the top half into a high messy bun, leaving it in a half up, half down look. I then apply my makeup, swiping my usual winged liner on, and then putting on my purple/black lipstick. Happy with how I look, I grab my bag, phone and wallet, and make my way downstairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" I hear my dad yell from the kitchen.

"I am going to consume a substantial amount of alcohol, father, unfortunately, I will see you tomorrow" I say, sarcasm laced with my voice.

"No you won't, if you're going to be a bitch to me, continue to ruin my reputation, and be out every night of the week, then you can find your own place to stay. Come back in the morning to get your things, but I don't want to see you after that" he yells, kicking at the wall. I can't believe what I am hearing. Did he really just kick me out?

"That's fine with me" I yell back, storming out.

Once I'm outside I jump in my car, and pull out of the driveway, being sure to leave skid marks on the concrete. I connect my phone to the Bluetooth and blast Satellite by All Time Low through the speakers. As I sing along, I find myself pulling into the Benjy's drive through, where I order myself a burger and keep driving to the other side of town.

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