1: Letters In Green

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"Please don't tell me it's a B day today," pleaded Kayla, we were sitting in front of the school waiting for the bell the to ring. "I really don't want to go to ELA."

"Ok," Bryan said. "I won't tell you." Kayla glared at him.

"You know what I mean." She turned away and opened her mouth to say something to Carly when the bell rang. "You'll never believe what I got yesterday! But I'll have to tell you later."

"Wait up!" I called as she started walking to child development. She paused and let me catch up.

"Are you going to tell me what you got?" I asked eagerly. Checking the time on my phone. "We still have time while we walk to class."

She hesitated and then began, excitement obvious in her voice."Well a letter came in the mail yesterday saying I had been nominated for this week long freshman program at some college near the Grand Canyon!"

"Very nice!" I congratulated. "Do you know what type of stuff you'll be doing? And when is it?"

She shook her head. "I don't remember. I'm going to read the letter again after school today. I was a little excited yesterday and missed like half of what it said."

By then we had reached her class and she went inside telling me that she'd try to remember before next class. When the door closed behind her I turned and made my way to my own class.

* * *
When I got home from school I grabbed the mail before going in the house. I threw it on the table and grabbed an extra muffin leftover from breakfast. After I had poured a glass of milk I sat down at the table.

As I chewed I glanced at the pile of advertisements and bills. Then took a double take. There was a bright green envelope sticking out of the middle of the pile. Curious, I picked it up and read who it was addressed to.

On the envelope in bright red ink and loopy letters it had my name on it. Forgetting about my half eaten muffin I ripped the envelope open. Successfully dropping all its contents on the floor. I picked up the papers and grabbed the one that looked most important.

Please have your student bring the following:
~lots of food
~camping gear

There was more, but I stopped there. Wrong page. I thought. That's looks like the packing list.
The next paper was the one I was looking for.

Tessa Nelse,
I'm pleased to inform you that you have been chosen for a special freshmen (9th grade) program at C.L University. (If you do not know where that is it is near the Grand Canyon. Address is on a separate page.)
This is a week long program that will take place on October 3-9. We will be camping down in the canyon where we will observe the landscape. And we will also have hikes, rock climbing, and a few other classes.
This is a program that requires no payment for admission. You will miss that week of school but will not have to make up any work unless there is a test.
Thank you. I hope you come and join us.
Dr. William Davies
(Vice Prinipal)

* * *
The next day at school I couldn't wait to tell Kayla the news. I guess I could've texted her but... what's the fun in that?
I looked around checking to see if anyone was here yet. I sighed. That was one problem with getting to school so early. Absolutely no one was there!

After what seemed like forever (but was really only 5 minutes) Flora, Carly, and Kayla showed up. I practically skipped up to them. They must have been able to tell I was excited cause they looked excited too.

"Guess what?" I said, but my voice sounded like there were multiple me's speaking at once. That's when I realized we had all said the same thing at the same time!
"Jinx!" I said quickly before continuing on. "I got this letter in the mail yesterday-"

"Inviting you to the C.L. University's freshmen program." Carly finished. I stared her for a moment.

"Yea. How'd you know?"

"She got one too," Flora answered instead. "And so did I! Ahhh!"
That last part was Flora screaming as James snuck up behind her and tased her.
"Why you little!" Flora scolded. "Don't do that!"
James just laughed.
"Sorry," he replied. Though he didn't really mean it. "Anyways, we heard what you were talking about. And we each got one too!"
It was then that I realized Bryan and Hayden standing a little behind James. I glanced at Hayden. He nodded confirming what James had said.
I trusted all my friends but Hayden was probably the least likely to tease us about this. He still could be but was the least likely to.

"Uh huh," Hayden said. "Mine came in the mail yesterday and-"

"And mine came in this bright green envelope!" Bryan interrupted. "And somehow my brother almost threw it away!"

"Um... Bryan," Kayla said. "I don't think that was by accident." James laughed, but Bryan still looked confused.

"Soooo," Carly began. "What do you guys think? It sounds like fun. Do you all want to go?"

"I'm so totally going!" I replied raising my arm for effect. "Who's with me?" Everyone's hand shot up almost immediately. Everyone that is except for Hayden and Flora.

"Come on Hayden, Flora," Kayla pleaded. "It'll be fun!"

"Fine," Flora gave in. "But you know I don't like rock climbing." We all turned to Hayden.

"OK, I guess I'll see if I can go," he said.

* * *

(Somewhere miles and miles in the west and voice rumbles)

Yes. Good. Come help me my young ones. Come be my pawns!

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