3: Survivors

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I woke up to someone gently shaking me yet speaking frantically.

"Come on! Wake up! Please, please, please..." I didn't recognize the voice. I cracked my eyes open and immediately snapped them shut. It was like the sun was ten times brighter than usual!

"Yes! You are alive! Come on wake up!" The voice spoke again. I tried opening my eyes again and this time managed to keep them open long enough to see the girl hovering over me that looked about my age. She had extremely blond hair that reflected the sun. Which explained the blinding light. I couldn't quite make out the color of her eyes.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked. I nodded. And tried to sit up.

"I think so. Why can't I sit up?"

"Oh!" She exclaimed reaching towards me. "You still have your seat belt on! Let me help you."
A few seconds later she had the clasp undone and I sat up, the world seemed like it was spinning around for a few seconds.

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my head. I obviously had tons of scrapes and bruises but I could deal with those. What really bothered me was my head. It hurt like crazy! "The last thing I remember was being on a plane with my friends...wait. Where are my friends?! They should be here too!"

"Calm down," the girl soothed. "We'll find them. Part of the plane crashed down a little further to the South. You're the only one who landed here. This part of the plane almost fell on top of me! Come on, hop up. We should get moving."
She grabbed my hand and helped me up. Then started walking towards where a bit of smoke was rising into the air.

"Wait!" I called running after her and nearly fell on face. My head was definitely not working with me I could barely run straight! "You never told me your name! And why are you down in the Grand Canyon all by yourself?"

She laughed. "I'm Eliza. And as for why I'm here. Well it's a long story we really don't have time for if you want to find your friends sometime today."
She began walking again and this time I stayed with her.

"Eliza," I muttered under my breath, memorizing it. "I'm Tessa. It's nice to meet you. Even if they're not under the best circumstances."

"Nice to meet you too, Tessa!" She laughed. She seemed to do that a lot. "Yea, your right these really aren't ideal conditions."
She didn't say anything else after that so I was just left to worry about my friends for about half an hour until the wreckage came into view. Eliza ran to it and I tried to follow but just ended up tripping again because of how dizzy I was. So instead I walked and fast as I dared to catch up.

By the time I did make it there Eliza was already trying to wake up another person. It was Hayden.

"Wake up! Please wake up!" Eliza was shaking him just like she had been to me. I went over and joined her.

"Hayden! Come on please wake up! Hayden!" I said, also shaking him. His eyes suddenly popped open causing Eliza and I to both jump back a little. Then Eliza hurried and undid his seat belt. Hayden groaned and sat up, but I immediately tackled him with a hug. Which wasn't really something I usually do but...it did happen.

"Oh my goodness!" I cried. "I'm so glad you're alive! I've been do worried about everyone and it is just such a relief to have one of you with me so I'm not alone!"

"Hey!" Eliza said. Causing me to break off my hug. "I'm here too! You weren't alone!"

"I know I just meant out of the people in the plane."

"I know what you meant. It's okay. Anyway, are you going to introduce me?"

"Oh yeah! Um, Eliza this is Hayden and Hayden this is Eliza."

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