A ringing sound pounded in my ears, causing me to jump up with confetti flying everywhere. I giggled, bouncing out of bed. I twirled my tail, flicking the small pieces of colored paper out. I trotted over to the stairs, bouncing up each one. I hummed a song, reaching the top and trotting into sugar cube corner. I made my way into the kitchen, trotting past its door and into the shop. Mrs.Cake was standing at the counter, carefully icing some cupcakes.
"Hi Mrs.Cake!" I greeted her, hoping over to the counter. "Who are the cupcakes for?"
She smiled faintly. "Just an order that came in today, nothing special."
I stared hungrily at the cupcakes. Red velvet with white frosting, looked like cream cheese. Mrs.Cake took one look at me and shook her head.
"Now Pinkie you shouldn't gawk over some one else's food." She scolded me. "Now into the kitchen, there you can grab a snack."
"Okie Dokie!" I smiled, springing up into the air and landing right in front of the door.
I pushed the door open, and immediately started searching for food. I trotted to the fridge, swinging it open and looking inside. Two triple chocolate cakes, a plate full of pink frosted vanilla cupcakes with red sprinkles, and white frosted sugar cookies. I took the two cupcakes, bouncing them off my back, and landing them in my mouth one after the other. I wiped the frosting from my maw, hopping around in a circle. I wondered what was next. Suddenly my cutie mark began to glow, beckoning me to the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom.
"Oooo! I wonder what's up." I began bouncing out the kitchen and out of Sugar Cube Corner.
The sun sparkled down on the large crystal castle, causing a rather bright glare. I jumped over to the door, only to meet AJ trying to get in too.
"Oh hi Pinkie," AJ greeted. "You got the signal?"
"Yup, I wonder who else got it." I nodded, pushing the door open.
We trotted inside, heading from the large sitting room. Twilight was already at the table, studying the map.
"Oh, now all we need is Rarity.." Twilight informs us. "Come on and sit down."
We trotted to our seats, I jumped up landing in mine, while AJ calmly sat.
"So, where's the map sendin' us?" AJ asked, looking at the map closely.
Twilight pointed a hoof at the three cutie marks that floated above the city of, Manehattan.
"Looks like you three are off to the big city." Twilight flicked her ears. "I don't know why though...Maybe it has to do with the Manehattan Mutilator."
"The Manehattan Mutilator?" I asked. "W-what's that?"
Twilight jumped off of her chair, trotting to a tea set.
"There's a pony in Manehattan who's been know to kill ponies and brutally distort their bodies." Twilight sighed, her breath shaky. ""I-I don't know the map says that maybe we should do something about it. I-I mean think about it! What if the Mutilator got you guys?!" Twilight began to freak out, her hooves shaking and her breath rigged.
"Twi! Twi! Calm down!" AJ rushed over to her, hugging her close. "Calm down Twilight."
Rarity walked in. "Tw-Twilight? Oh heavens, is everything alright?" Rarity rushed over to them, rubbing Twilight's back.
I silently sat, my mind was clouded with fear. This reminded me of my crazy spurts of energy. I would usually stab a pillow or kick things around. This-This was a real murderer, a pony crazy enough to draw blood from a fellow equine.
"I'h say we go!" AJ stamped her hoof on the ground, snapping me back into reality. "We can't just sit here while a killers' on the loose!"
Rarity sighed. "If we must, I'll go."
They all turned to me, waiting for my approval. I shuffled in my seat, but I managed to crack a fake smile.
"Manehattan. Here. We. Come!"
Balloons. . .
HororOn a trip to manehattan, Pinkie, AJ, and Rarity find that a crazy old pony plans to trap them and keep them for experiments. What will Pinkie...or...Pinkamena do for self defense? []About The Story[] PinkiePie/Pinkamena is the main character. It's...