Chapter 24: Ramses the Great

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Hej! (That's hello in Swedish I'm pretty sure. I don't know I saw it on IKEA ad) I decided to update earlier than usual. 

Above is a drawing of Ramses. The one with the half shaved head.

Thankyou so much for 6k! You guys are beautiful!


Sure enough when Ahkmenrah returned to the courtroom in the afternoon, cleaned up but with bruises showing and without his crown, the officials gave him a lecture. The phrases he often heard:

"Where have you been?"

"You could have been killed!"

"You're just like a child!"

"Your father was never like this!"

He didn't know why but that last comment angered him. How can they just make reference to Merenkahre in such an unseemly way? How could they just throw out a reference without an inkling of sorrow? Didn't they know that it still hurt for Ahkmenrah to hear about his father?

"I'm not father or Kahmun so shut up all of you! " shouted Ahkmenrah in whirlwind of anger and sorrow. He stormed out of the room. His heart breaking a little more, when he was with Sabra he forgot everything. He had forgotten he was Pharaoh. He had forgotten the pressures and demands of his job. He knew he wasn't supposed to be on the throne. To Ahkmenrah the officials seemed almost heartless in their lecturing.

The officials were taken aback. Never had they heard such foul language directed towards them.

One of them muttered. "He'll be the downfall of us all"

Unfortunately for Ahkmenrah he had heard that as well. "So be it," he whispered. How could they know about the demands the he couldn't fulfil? How could they know the pressure that had settled on his shoulders and threatened to stay there forever? They will never know what he was going through. If they knew they would have said those things. He will never be like father, he wasn't supposed be king. Kahmunrah should be here. He was trying his best. He really was. When he was reminded that he wasn't doing well despite his efforts it cut. It cut deep. Deeper than one would think. It drove him to tears.

Heartless bitches!

He thought to himself.

But he didn't let the tears fall. Not until he was out of sight.


Young Ramses had been running down the hallways. Chasing his pet lion cub named Kovu. The young cub had proved a great playmate. He had finally caught the young lion at the door of throne room. Ramses was just about to walk away when he heard his cousin shouting.

"I'm not father or Kahmun so shut up all of you! " Ramses could hear the bitter tears threatening to burst from Ahkmenrah.

Curiosity got the better of Ramses. He hid beside the doorway of the Throne Room. He peered inside and saw his older cousin with an air of fierceness. Ramses had never seen Ahkmenrah like this. It scared him. One of the officials said something.

"So be it" Ahkmenrah had whispered and walked out not noticing Ramses one bit. But Sabra had noticed, she saw his scared expression and she motioned for him to wait there.

Ramses nodded and Kovu yawned. The officials filed out muttering about their new king, complaining as they did so. Not noticing the small dark skinned boy and his pet lion cub.

Ahkmenrah: The Fourth King of the Fourth KingsWhere stories live. Discover now