Chapter 79: Blind Fools and Thieves

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"You'll vow it?"

Kahmunrah nodded gravely.

Ismara smiled against the true will of her own heart.

"I was so blind." he continued. "My love for my brother blinded me from seeing what he truly is..."

His words drifted off and his face, usually so calm and collected contorted into that of both sadness and anger. She could feel the betrayal within him, that betrayal that shouldn't exist.

"You know, somedays it's hard to tell..." he whispered. "If I was a fool or he a cunning thief. He stole everything from me my crown and my father's love."

"You will be greater than him yet Kahmun." her false assurance mingled with the desperate plea within her to stop this madness and she despised how genuine she sounded. "You will reclaim your crown and what is yours."

She felt the dynasty shatter with that reassuring curl of her lips.



The children, the elderly and some men and women are evacuating the city to Ineb-Hedg, right now the capital is the only safe place in Egypt for them. Please make sure they are well looked after, I know you will make sure of that. Those who are willing to fight are staying. I do not beg for aid, but merely remind you that this is your war as well as mine. Either way Ahk this may end in fire and if it does I would like to say it was an honor to have met you.


The blunt letter from Sabra filled him with both fear and warmth. Fear for his country and warmth for her bravery and her frienship. But there was also an anger.

"Why hasn't anyone told me about the worsening situation?" asked the young king.

The messenger looked at Ahkmenrah before tentatively removing the upper half of his robe. There were large grotesque gashes where the skin seemed to have been gouged out.  

"I was fortunate to escape." said the messenger simply as Ahkmenrah blanched in horror. "It seems the messengers before me were not so fortunate."

Ahkmenrah got up. The pain in his leg shot through him. An old war wound reminding him why he and his brother could not aid them. He almost staggered but clutched the throne. 

"Give orders to our remaining Generals. Tell them to gather as many men as they can. We need to help them. Send a message to our citizens to look after those who have evacuated."

"No one will fight." a voice from the door. There stood Montu, his father's old friend.

"Say that again old man and this time I want you to give me a proper justification." Ahkmenrah for the first time in his life gave a cruel smile to mask the dissapointment. "Or else I'll have your head." 


It was calm now. The calm could not be trusted, but it could be used, manipulated and honed into a weapon. The city was resting but also constantly vigilant. Sabra feared an attack worse than before. She tried her best to keep the morale up, but it seemed as if Anubis's grim blessings had been placed upon them.

No one defied her, no one objected her orders. They all seemed to accept death before it had come. 

Suddenly she spied a flash of brilliant white hair. It was Nitocris, her pale cheeks flushed with excitement her violet eyes did not seem to see Sabra at all. It was often in these moments that Sabra wondered whether the girl was naive or partially blind.


The girl turned in Sabra's direction and gave Sabra a broad smile.

"It's Sabaf! He..."

"Did he die?" the bluntness of her words took Nitocris back.

Sabra hadn't expected him to survive at all. No it wasn't that. More so death had been far too prevalent for the past few days that any notion of life and hope had almost drained away from her.

"No Sabra he's awake now and he wants to talk to you." said Nitocris. Her voice was veiled with worry. "He's half feverish almost mad, but he says its something of importance."


When she saw him the white bandages stood out starkly against his dark skin. His black eyes stared off into the distance but as soon he saw Sabra they sharpened with an eerily terrifying speed. His eyes seemed to well up in ears but Sabra wasn't sure. It was only when she sat on the floor next his thin worn palette that she was sure of his tears.

"Forgive me I've failed you." he whispered. "I let them breach the wall...I..."

Sabra was too stunned to for words. He perceived her silence  to be in agreement of his failures.

"Cut off my hands. I've failed all of Egypt."

She remembered their talk just before the frightful attack.

"Don't worry Sabra the city is in competent hands." Sabaf  had said outstretching his own laughing.

"If it falls under them I'll cut them off." said Sabra.

Sabra shook her head, tears in her eyes as he once again outstretched his hands. He wasn't laughing this time. His eyes closed anticipating the blow that would leave him handicapped.

She took out his sword, she had kept it alongside her until he should awake, but instead of swinging it she placed it in his outstretched palms.

"I have further use for your hands yet Sabaf." she whispered back kindly. "Keep them safe, we haven't lost yet."


Yes long time no see. I'm sorry. I will be very busy with my HSC year so please don't expect too many updates until the end of next year.

URGENT NOTICE: Since I will be hopefully publishing this when I finish I would love name suggestions for Ahkmenrah, Kahmunrah, Merenkahre and Shepseheret as I will not be able use their names because of copyright purposes. I am asking you guys as I want them to stay true to the perception of the readers as I know their current names suit them very well

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