Chapter 7

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  He said it was just lust he told me no emotions I thought it was just that but I was wrong he changed me made me look at the world in a different way I didn't care what he thought I knew how I felt and with everything that had happened to me I could finally pretend to be happy.

I woke up with the worst hangover ever my stomach felt like it had been stabbed and my head felt like it was gunna explode I dragged my self up and got a shower after I was ready I went to go and see everyone else " Morning Freya" they all said apart from Daryl he just smirked I sat and put my head on the table and groaned " Bad Hangover"? Glen asked " Yeah" I said " I'm never drinking again" I groaned " Me either" Glen said
I put my head up and drank some water that made me feel a bit better " It seems we haven't thanked our host" T-dog said " he's more than just a host" Rick said we all thanked him and toasted.

Later on Dr Jenner showed us a program on his computer which was voice commanded it reminded me of Siri on my iphone I missed it oh well we watched as a person with the virus infected the brain began to turn black it showed the process and it killed you then he said " Everything you were or are going to be it goes and only the physical part of you comes back"! then you saw it being shot in the head then tears began running down my face thats what happened to my parents and it still hurt me. " Are you alright Freya" Dr Jenner asked " I lost both of my parents due to this I had to kill them"! Carol hugged me to see if I was okay then I nodded. " I understand your pain that was my wife" he said. and then the computer said 10 minutes left. " Why is it counting down" Rick said then Dr Jenner said " Its counting down until this place self destructs" " What"! I shouted " Would you rather die easy or be ripped apart by a walker"? " This isn't the way to kill someone"! Carol said as she was holding Sophia then Andrea sat down and said " Well I agree with Jenner id rather die here then die out there"! " See listen to your friend she's wise"! Dr Jenner said. " No Im not gunna die I promised my parents id live for them so I will and Andrea if your gunna make a silly mistake like this im not gunna stop you"! " Open the doors Jenner" Rick shouted he looked angry I saw Daryl and Shane and T-dog hitting the door but that wouldn't help Daryl began to get angry and began to shoot the machines Dr Jenner finally opened the doors with Andrea and Dale staying behind.

We had 5 minutes left and we tried breaking through the glass but we couldn't then Carol said " Wait I have something" " Carol I dont think a nail file will work" Daryl said then she pulled out a bomb everyone looked shocked " Its not mine I found it in Ricks pocket when I was washing clothes" she handed it to Rick and he pulled the pin then through it at the glass after it had shattered we all ran as fast as we could after we had all gotten out I saw Andrea and Dale running towards us they quickly ducked and then carried on running I go into the Camper Van with the rest of them and we sped down the road. It was a long drive we didn't know were was going until we saw Daryl pull to a stop it looked like we was stopping at the high way for a while there were cars just left sitting there I got out of the van and went to go and look around the cars with the others there wasn't nothing interesting but dead rotting bodies that stunk until I came across another car I opened the door and there was guns and a cross bow that looked exactly like Daryl's now I was the one smirking I grabbed it and Carol looked at me and said " You stole Daryls cross bow"?!? I shuck my head " Nah I found it in da car duh"! she laughed and said " Stop it with the accent by the way your really good at it"
" Why thank you missy" we both laughed and I heard someone behind us it was Daryl " what the heck is going on here"! I smirked and turned around swung the cross bow over my shoulder and said. " howdy matey I dunno you tell ma" he frowned and said " Stop mocking me little girl"
" Oh n what ya gunna do about it DIXON" I shouted he then whispered in my ear " You'll see later and walked away. I just laughed Carol looked confused but I bet she was getting all sorts of ideas right now she can think what she wants cause nothings going on with me and Daryl.

Later on...

It began to get dark but I didn't care I was still walking around the cars cause I wanted to see what Daryl was gunna do as always he sneaked up on me " Hello little girl" he said as he smirked he grabbed me and pushed me up the car " Hello Dixon" I said he smirked and I smirked back at him " why are you smirking" he asked " well I can if I wanna can't I you dont own me"! He laughed and pulled me closer to him he pressed his lips to mine again I didn't pull away cause I had planned this I pulled my gun out of my pocket and fired it up Daryl jump and pulled away I began to laugh his face was full of fear " I scared the shit out of you didn't I" he shuck his head and said " Nope not at all little girl" He ran his hands down my waist I wasn't done yet he can't keep pushing me around like this " Whatever Dixon I could tell you was scared with that expression on your face"! I smirked at him and began to laugh " Fine where even happy but this is the only time I let you off"! he looked angry but I didn't care
" See Daryl I can play too its not just you who can push people around"! he grunted and walked away I smiled and shouted " Walk away that means I've won this time" He just shouted " Whatever you'll have payback next time I see you" I felt better knowing that I had made him feel how I felt.  

Dead Deeds Daryl Dixon Love Story (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now