Dear readers,
I have decided to continue my book! Yay! Also, I have a favor to ask, and it is that there is no plagiarism. Okay, thank you and enjoy! ;)
-AChapter 8. ~Heather~
Just as I walked into the cafeteria, I felt Camden put his arm around my shoulders. I rolled my eyes, as I turned to look at Camden. As if he felt me staring up at him, he turned his head ever so slightly and winked at me.
As if the small movement pulled me out of a trance, I became awfully aware of the loud gasps, snide comments, and gossiping surrounding me. I start to feel the familiar plummeting deep within my chest.
As I was lead towards a table, I scanned the cafeteria for someone I knew, someone I could trust. Jake, where was Jake. As I realized he wasn't there, I squeezed my eyelids tightly, and quietly cursed my brothers academic abilities. But sadly, my brain couldn't always distract me from reality. And so I became painfully aware, that I knew no one here and I was alone. Completely and utterly alone. Trying to pull myself together, I pulled my shaky hand from the stranger's grasp, and ran out of that cafeteria, counting my steps as I grew farther and farther away.
~*•*•*~Stumbling into a bathroom stall, I rested my head against the red door. As my breathing started to slow down, I started reading all of the names that were scratched into the stall-door. Maya, Clove, and Yasmine. Bringing my finger up to the door I traced the triangle surrounding the names, and the title above it that read,"Pack Queens".
At first I stared at the words, eyebrows furrowed, and then realized that some of the girls at this school must have serious issues... Especially if they call themselves that.
Pulling out my phone with a soft frown, I call the one person who can, or could always help me feel better. Typing in the number I know by heart, I waited for a familiar voice to pick up.
"Helloooooo Heath Bar!" giggles Sam. " Hi Sam," I reply. The giggles immediately stop. " Oh Heather did it happen again? I'm so sorry Hun." Before I could respond, she continues to talk. "You know, if I was there with you right now, we would just cut school and go shopping and watch tfios!"
"I miss you so much Sammy," I admit. Without seeing her I know that she is smiling sadly playing with the shoelaces on her left wedge. Letting out a dry laugh, I can't help big let a tear slip down my face. "I-I miss you too'" whispers Sammy from my phone. Knowing that's our que, we both say "g'bye" at the same time.
After opening and shutting the bathroom door behind me, I feel a small part of me break.
Walking out the front doors of the school, I make sure to keep my hoodie up and head down.
Ten Minutes LaterOkay. Where the hell am I? Looking around, I spot a bench. How convenient. Plopping down, I try locating my location with Siri. Just as I was starting to make progress, someone tapped my shoulder. Jumping to my feet, I hold up my fist ready to punch when I realize I know the idiot who sneaked up on me. Camden. "What are you doing here?" I ask With a hint of hostility. "Shouldn't I be asking you the same question, I mean you are in my neighborhood," Camden says pursing his lips. As I started to open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, he puts two fingers to my lips. "Hush," he whispers. "I just brought you your backpack, homework, and an apple. Now come on, let's get going.
As I followed him, we eventually were standing in front of a motorcycle... a Harley more specifically. Smirking at me, I knew he expected me to run in the opposite direction. "You have a F400K1 A2 Rototiller?!? How'd you get one? I've searched everywhere for that part!" I exclaim.
Camden shakes his head, and smiles softly a me. "I-I don't know what to make of you. The more I get know you, the more you intrigue me," He says.
Taking off his leather jacket, he puts it around my shoulders. " I don't nee-" "Cmon if we want to get to your house in time we're going to have to get going."
Hip checking him, I hop on the bike and turn the keys. Raising an eyebrow at him, I ask, "Do you want to be late?" Staring at me with pursed lips, he mutters some unknown thing to himself...Which I can easily infer was cursing.
As he wraps his arms around my waist, I rev up the engine and take off. Almost immediately after starting up the bike, I feel Camden put his hands on top of mine, steering me in the correct direction. As we pull up to the front of my house, I start to wonder how he new where my house was. I mean, I did live directly next to the woods.Hopping off the bike I turn around to thank him, to find no one there. Rolling my eyes, I find him directly behind me. Boys. Chuckling, he stuffs his overly large hands in his pockets. Sticking out my tongue at him, I walk over to where he's standing and whack him in the back of his head with my apple. "Owwwww," he pouts. "Poor Cammy," I snicker, as I walk into my house.