This is a pic of Heather.
Sorry if there's any typos :(
I've been trying to get rid of them... Anyways get to reading! *pushes you face forward into book*Chapter 3 ~Heather~
As I wake up, I realize I'm not in the car anymore, but in a pretty queen bed. Looking around my room I see my own bathroom ( thank the lord! Sharing a bathroom with Jake was horrible ), a little night stand, a large closet ( hooray ), and two sliding doors? Getting out of my new bed with new found curiosity I look outside to see part of a wrap around porch that seems to be along most of the first floor. I'll have to explore more when it's light outside. Hearing, what I swore was a howl, I decided it was time to head back in. Taking one more look at my backyard that's connected to the woods I head back inside for more sleep. I mean, what girl doesn't need her beauty rest?
~•*•*•~Waking up to birds serenading me was much different than waking up to annoying pigeons and crazy taxi drivers. To be honest, I kind of like waking up to this better than all the ruckus in NYC. Feeling a breeze, I start shivering so I tug my blanket up and look around for the cause of my freezyness. Seeing that I had left my doors open I jump up with a start and scrambled over to shut the glass sliding doors. Before starting my unpacking, I turn on the light in my room and take a second and admire my walls which were painted a pretty cream color which went with the many accents of navy blue, gold and purple around my room. Sighing in contentment, I decided it was time to do the dreaded unpacking. Starting with my speaker I Bluetooth my phone to it and start jamming out to Fall Out Boy and 21 Pilots as I unpack the rest of my stuff.
Shutting my dresser, I pat myself on the back for a job freaking well done. My bulletin board was set up with a few of my favorite photos of my family and one of my best friend Sam and I, who I loved like a sister. I had my bookshelf almost completely filled with my favorite books ( meaning all of them ). Pulling out FanGirl, Origin, and a few John Green books, I began putting them on this cute little table in front of a couch ( yes my room is huge! ). A half hour later I finally felt done and decided to change out of PJs. Putting on dark shorts and a pretty pink pastel top I head towards my large mirror that hung just above my dresser. I pulled my hair up into a bun, put on some apricot berts and bees and some mascara. Then, I pulled on a soft almond colored sweater that set off my eyes and teal converse that looked cute with my top. Heading downstairs for breakfast, I start to wonder where Mom and Jake are.
~•*•*•~After eating all my cereal I headed towards where I guessed the living room would be. I saw my Mom on the couch talking on the phone. Jake was probably still asleep. Looking back over at Mom I saw she was off the phone. "Heather, honey, Jake is going to drop you off at school tomorrow, Okay?" She said. "But I thought I wasn't going till Wednesday," I said with a pouty face. "And why does Jake have to drop me off?" I asked. "Well the school director said you might as well come in on Tuesday since you're transferring from your old school in November." "And umm" my Mom started blushing and looked at her lap. "What Mom?" I asked. "Well, I'm going on a date," she said quietly. "What?!?" I asked. "Who??" "I'm going on a date with mmmshhmg," my mom mumbled. "What?" I said. " I'm going on a date with Mr.Howardsonn" she replied. "Who's that?" I asked. My Mom sighed, then said "he's your principle."
What do you guys think?
Should Heather go to school tomorrow?
How do you feel about Heather's mom's date?Thanks for reading,
Peace out👌