Days Pass

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No one from either side of the fight had shown up for school in days. They are broken fighting over karkat. What the hell made him so special that it had to get physical?

Everyone was at Gamzee's place, passed out. John was asleep in a chair, head faced down on the table. Gamzee asleep on the couch. Eridan holding karkat in his arms, both sleeping. Sollux was sitting against the wall, head dropped down.


Dave was pacing back and forth in his room, Rose was seated on the chair by his computer and dirk was sitting on his bed. "How are we going to get them?" Dirk asked

Dave looked over at him "Bleed them out."

"Wait, murder? You'd go that far?"

"No, he means put them on the verge of death, until they give karkat up for their lives." Rose explained

"Aight, so when?" Dirk asked

"Tonight, while their still down." Dave said.

They all nodded.


Sollux was the first awake, he stood up and stretched staring down at his bandaged wounds and scrapes. "They're not getting away thith eathily." He whispered to himself. It was true they weren't.

John mumbled a few words before sitting up. "My head hurts..." he whined quietly.

"Tho doeth mine, but thath normal. Leth go thee if gz hath any pillth."

John nodded, walking to the kitchen, seeing Kurloz. "Hey kur." He smiled.

Kurloz smiled and waved.

"Do you have any pillth that geth rid of headacheth?" Sollux asked the other.

Kurloz nodded, walking over to a cabinet, grabbing some ibuprofen, handing John one and sollux 2.

They both took the pills, sollux sighed sitting at the table "What are we going to do?"

John looked at him "They might plan a night attack, we should switch houses when everyone wakes up."

"Good idea." Sollux nodded

"Karkat....." John sighed.

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