Chapter 5: Mirror, Mirror

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I patiently waited outside the portrait of the Fat Lady, checking my pocket watch constantly while waiting for Jacob. As he emerged from the portrait I playfully punched his shoulder. "Come on, Jacob," I shouted at him from the other side of the hallway. "If we are late, Le Fay is so gonna kill us!" We exited the castle grounds, running for our freaking lives. As we passed Hagrid's hut Fang barked loudly as if we were intruders or something of the sort. As we reached the entrance to The Forbidden Forest, we saw Le Fay, and seven others who had been having the worse luck of getting detention in Le Fay's class. Everyone was partnered up already, making me and Jacob the most awkward pair there. Then Le Fay spoke up. "Alright, tonight you will be examining the woods and observing the magical creatures that live in these woods. If you find anything suspicious yell for me and I'll aparate right to you. That is all, now go explore!" She aparated away with her partner, who I believed was Scorpia but I wasn't sure. We quickly found a path lined with cobblestones and covered in hoof prints, and started down the path aimlessly wondering about the woods waiting for our punishment to be over so we could get some sleep. After hopelessly wondering for about half an hour, Jacob spoke up. "I need to talk to you about something." The hairs on the back of neck stood up as I nodded waiting for him to say something along the lines of I don't really know what happened the night of the party but it didn't mean anything to me or I'm sorry but I have feelings for Lily no offense didn't mean to break your heart and crush your soul into a million tiny little shattered fragments of your existence. What he said next was a strange thing but a good kind of strange. "Reyna, I like you, a lot. I'm sorry if I startled you with that... kiss the night of the party. It was a pretty stupid move and I'm... I'm sorry okay?" I could feel myself blushing more intensely then ever with ever word he spoke. There was dead silence. "Look Jacob, it's okay, actually I..." I began but Jacob shouted over me. "OH MY CELESTIA'S BEARD(an mlp refrence for all you fans. Jacobs a half blood so he's a secret brony. Shhhhhhhhhh don't tell Reyna. Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!!!) WHAT THE FRICK IS THAT OH MY GOD REYNA ARE YOU SEEING THAT LIKE I CANT EVEN!!!" I turned around a and standing before me was a demon fortress three times the size of Hogwarts. The last thing I remember is hearing Jacob screaming for Le Fay as everything around me went black.
(From the P.O.V. Of Jacob. Hope you guys enjoy! Fanficfanatic373) I yelled for professor Le Fay as I watched Reyna collapse, falling into my awaiting arms. "Okay then Mr. Crimson detention is over. Please carry Mrs. Elderblood back to her dormitory. If you get into any trouble with McGonagall, I'll speak with her in the morning." She aparated away as I carried Renya back to her dorm. As I tucked her into her bed I snuck a goodnight kiss onto her forehead and whispered " I love you, my Princess." And I crept out of the dormitory. As I crept into my bed and shut out the lap my last thought was of the night of the party. Huh what the most perfect night that was. And then I drifted off to sleep, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

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