Chapter 4: Surprise Visitor

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As the days grew longer, classes got more exciting. Well, some of them at least. Me and Jacob hadn't spoken one word to each other about anything. There was always a "Hi" or "Good Morning, Reyna" but then I'd just stand there like a complete idiot and blush. As I approached History of Magic with professor Le Fay, something gave me hope that today was gonna be a better day. As I took my seat next to Jacob, blushing wildly while doing so Le Fay continued her lesson on the most dangerous sorceresses of the thirteenth century beginning with Queen Guinevere, ex queen of Camelot." Queen Guinevere is believed to be the most feared sorceress in all of existence. She often used her seducing nature and shape shifting magic to lure kings and entire kingdoms under her spell. When she then had everyone wrapped around her finger tip she would then, kill the King, thus gaining rulership over the kingdom and taking over one more part of the world." She blabbed on and on until one phrase caught my attention. "She is said to have been trapped in a beautiful mirror hidden within one of many demon fortresses. The mirror, although a spectacular splendor to behold, is cursed. Whoever dare looks in this mirror will only witness his or her deepest desire. But through the eyes of others it is said to only show the worst qualities and personalities of others. For those who fall under its curse, the only way to break the spell is..." I began to dose off at this part staring into Jacob's glittering green eyes, and wondering what is going on that gorgeous head of his? "Uh, excuse me? Ms. Elderblood?" Professor Le Fay asks. I jolt up, yelling "I don't like him. I can't like him. Lily likes him! WHAT AM I GONNA DO MY BEST FRIEND LIKES MY BOYFRIEN..." I then fall out of my chair. I land on the floor and I'm blushing fiercely. Victorie Weasley helps me up and I just kind of sit there feeling embarrassed. Jacob is blushing severely and then Le Fay speaks up. "Reyna, I would like to see you after class. You to, Jacob." The whole class turns to stare at us like we are guilty of murdering a person. "Everyone else," Le Fay begins. "Class dismissed." Jacob and I stay behind, wondering what kind of trouble that we're in. "Jacob, may I speak with Mrs. Elderblood privately?" She asks my... I don't really know anymore. He nods before exiting and sends me a gorgeous, reassuring smile. "Reyna, you are not in trouble." I begin to say something but she stops me. " I will explain everything. Okay so once long ago, my brother, the great wizard Merlin went to school here. And as you know today, we were discussing the Mirror of Erised correct?" I nodded my head. "My brother banished it into a demon fortress located within the Forbidden Forest. I would like you and your "friend"," her eyebrows wiggled at the friend. " to retrieve this mirror, or at least find the fortress. You mustn't tell Jacob though. Tell him you two were given detention tomorrow night and that I said if you found anything "unusual" that you would find me and show me. Understood?" I nod. "Good. Now give your aunt Morgan a hug!" I give her a huge hug because I hadn't seen her in years, and then dart out of the classroom, and into the Great Hall to find Jacob. He was with fellow Gryffindors Teddy, James, and Albus discussing Quidditch plays or something guys did at dinner. I sat next to Luna and began scrawling a note in the neatest possible cursive. "Jacob, detention. Tomorrow night. Let's meet outside Gryffindor common room. Detention starts at 9:30. I'll meet you at 9ish. Okay?" I throw it over to Gryffindor table, see him write a quick response, and throw it back. "Okay. See you there at nine. Jacob." Tomorrow might turn out to be the best day or the worst. We just have to wait and see. And with that issue resolved it's time I ate dinner.

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