i just want you to know who i am // Cake

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The setting was perfect. Calum loved every part of it. The sun was setting in a mix of purples and oranges and pinks and the city was just starting to light up with the approaching night and it was all perfect, the huge penthouse windows showcasing it like a movie scene. The rough, scratchy sound of a vinyl record of Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls drifted through the warm room, like a soundtrack from a movie. Calum's pale flannel hung loosely around his frame, unbuttoned to reveal his golden skin. He was comfortable, standing and staring out at the Miami sunset with a small smile on his face. It was peace.

The sound of Iris was interrupted by the door opening, and the smell of Whitewater Díor invaded his senses and sent a slight chill down his spine. He turned his head, looking over his shoulder at the tall blonde. "'S really beautiful, Luke." He muttered, looking back out at the sunset.

And I don't want the world to see me

"Oh? Yeah the view is nice too, I guess."

Cos I don't think that they'd understand

"Shut up." Calum chuckled, turning to walk over to Luke and play with the hem of his black jacket. Luke smiled down at him, pressing a quick kiss to his pouting lips before he grabbed at Calum's arms, leading him over to the window and wrapping his arms around his slim waist. He started a slow, steady sway, Calum watched his eyes flick across his face and his heart flipped around in his chest.

When everything's made to be broken

Doe brown eyes stared half-lidded up into clear blue, the purples and oranges reflected in them like a mirror image of the sky outside, shadows from the drawn back curtains casting over his face every now and then. Calum let his fingertips trace Luke's jaw, smiling at the rough feeling of his stubble growing back in.

I just want you to know who I am

Luke's hands were warm through the thin fabric of Calum's button down, big and firm, one on the small of his back pulling him closer and the other on his waist. Just his presence made Calum feel warmer, made a flame kick up in his chest and light up the brown in his eyes. He pressed his cheek to Luke's shoulder, closing his eyes and letting Luke keep him going to the song. Luke was humming along, Calum felt the rumble of it in his chest. His arms wrapped further around Luke's neck, hands hanging over themselves behind that blonde head.

I just want you to know who I am

Luke nudged Calum's head, and the smaller boy looked back up at him. His eyes were a pale violet-blue now that the sun was a bit further down on the horizon, the coming night growing closer, and Calum awaited a warm night held close in Luke's strong arms, legs tangled together and his back against Luke's chest; small, sleepy kisses pressed to the nape of his neck now and then. These were the moments he looked forward to at the end of the day, private and his own, hidden from prying eyes. It was his -- Luke's love was his.

I just want you to know who I am

And then Luke's lips were on his own, a soft press, and Calum kissed back almost instinctively, a smile breaking into it. It was slow and passionate, matching up with their dance and, God, Calum was so in love. Luke's jacket against his bare chest was cool and rough, Luke's hands on his skin were smooth and warm, Luke's lips were soft and strong, and Calum drank in every bit of it. Then Luke was pulling back, staring down into Calum's eyes with a fire behind them, something strong and assured and above all, soft, something Calum couldn't exactly put to name. "I love you, babe." And then it was clear.

I just want you to know who I am

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