Chapter 2- First day

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He was just sitting there while sudddently Scott said in a really annoyed voice:

"Hey Eric, mind to help?"


That was his name!

I remember him now! From first grade!

Wow, he changed a lot. I turned to Julie;

"Hey do you remember Eric?"

She raised an eyebrow, visibally confused.

"Eric... something; from first grade...?" I reminded her.

Julie turned bright red. I knew she had a crush on him in first grade. I teased her about it for a while, and she was turning reder and reder. She reminded me she didn't like him anymore but there was no way I would stop, exept if she started tickleling me. Knowing me very well, she attacked me and we started a tickeling fight. Since I was way more tickelish than her, she had an advantage and as I was trying desperately to free myslef from her, I knocked over our dissecting plate. The whole class was now looking our way. We both blushed like crazy and I tried to pick up the poor frog that now layed on the ground. Being the clumsiest person ever, I made an even bigger mess, dropping every tool I had in hand... What a great first hour!

The embarrasment wasn't finished yet, since after Science, while getting the stuff I needed out of my locker, I saw Scott coming my way. Trying to look cool I closed my locker and walked away... well, tried to walk away since my hair was stuck in that stupid locker!

Scott was right next to me. I had my hair stuck in my locker. I couldn't move or I would feel what intense pain is.

His dark green eyes were looking straight into mine. I probably blushed like mad.

"Just ask him to help you!" said the little annoying voice in my head.

The only problem was, he wasn't the only one staring at me. Every. Single. Person around me was looking at me like I was a clown or something.

Great, I though to myself. I just HAVE to get into situations like this, huh?

Luckily, Julie arrived to save me from this extremely embarassing moment. Knowing my combo, she opened my locker and I let out my long, dark hair. Scott was still staring at me, which was kind of creepy. I didn't know if he though I was a total freak or if he was interested in me... I chose option two, just to make myself happy.

Heading to my second hour, Social Studies with Mrs. Donnie, I really hoped the embarassment was done for the day...

After at least ten minutes of looking through her documents to find the seating chart, Mrs. Donnie told us where we were supposed to sit.

"Alaina Felkor, Julie Duloff, Scott Brown, and Kelly Gray; table 5."

Wait. WHAT? I repeated her sentence in my head. Yep, this hour could turn out pretty well now that I sat next to my crush and best friend.

I sat down in my assigned spot next to Scott and started talking to Julie, who was right in front of me. Alaina stayed quiet. She was the kind of girl who only talks when she needs to, which was kind of frustating sometimes. I talked to my bestie, trying not to make it a big deal that Scott was right next to me, until Mrs. Donnie started introducing herself.

She had a pretty boring life, making her presentation the most boring thing ever. I looked at Julie, who was looking at Scott, who was looking at me. Scott looking at me, again. Nah, that was probably not it. He was probably looking at the SmartBoard but my obsessed mind made me think he was looking at me... Silly Kelly!

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