Chapter 4- The Concert!!!

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Today is the day: the concert. After school, I had asked Julie to come home with me so she could help me get ready.

"Hey Julie?" I asked while we were on the bus.


"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course!" She smiled.

"Okay... Are you jealous?" I asked nervously.

She smiled at me like a mother who has pity for her child.

"Kelly, I can't hide I'm a bit jealous, but mostly I'm happy for you. I know you're better off with Scott than I am. And who knows, maybe you'll get married and you better make me your bridesmaid or I'll beat you up with a spoon."

"Julie!" I screamed, slightly amused.

"What? It's better than a knife!" We bursted out laughing.

After regaining my calm, I said "with Scott or not, you will be my bridesmaid for sure, I promise you."

Julie wrapped her arms around me and said she will do the same.

After three hours of showering, straightening my curly hair, make up, taking endless outfits out of my closet before choosing the perfect one, and listening to pep talks from Julie, I was finally ready. She hadn't let me look into the mirror before she was done and when she was, I almost don't recognize myself.

The girl in front of me has long golden hair that arrived to her (well, my) mid-back, a white silky shirt with a golden skirt which hugged my curves, black heels and very light makeup that looked naturally fancy.

"You look stunning." Says Julie as she came up behind me.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! You're the bestest friend anybody could ask for!" I hug her until she can barely breathe.

"Now now, don't ruin your hair please. That took me two hours." She said as she pulled back.

Wow, way to ruin the moment.

Before I can say anything else, the doorbell rings. My heartbeat fastens and I look at Julie who gives me a thumbs up. I race down the stairs and open the door to reveal Scott. Scratch that, I open the door to reveal a Greek god.

He has dark jeans that still look fancy with a white button down shirt which shows off his muscles. His hair is messy like always, but that's the way it looked good. In the early evening light, his green eyes sparkle like diamonds.

"He-hello." I manage to say.

"Hey Kelly," he smile his million dollar smile. "You ready to go?"

"Yup! BYE MOM! BYE JULIE AND THANKS AGAIN!" I scream in the house so they can hear me. After hearing both of their response, I close the door behind us.

A motorcycle is parked in front of my house and as Scott start to get closer and closer to it, I start to freak out more and more. When he gets on it and waits for me, I'm sure my death is coming soon.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks, worry in his eyes.

I realize I had stopped walking and was staring at his engine dumbfounded.

"Hum... Yeah. I just have a fear of motorcycles." I was expecting him to start his engine and say 'sucks for you!' before heading off on the road without me. But he didn't. Instead, he gets off the motorcycle and heads to me. He puts his hands on my shoulders- which I try not to make a big deal out of- and says "don't worry, you can hold on to me." And he smirks.

Okay, teen hormones please control yourselves here!

"Okay..." I say, trying to keep my voice steady as I mentally freak out.

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