Epilogue - Two Years Later

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The scene is beautiful, right magical. It feels like they've shut down the whole park somehow on a Monday evening and really, there can't be any flowers left in all of Orlando. The entire set-up is facing the castle. I hear she's to arrive by glass carriage, and this wedding is just so Liam. I am in awe that he planned so little of it. Niall is regaling the priest up at the front with golfing stories, while Zayn fidgets towards the back of the long aisle, constantly check his pockets for the ring.

However, I'm sat in a surprisingly uncomfortable white chair next to Aislinn. I fidget a bit. Okay, a lot. "I'd expect more from Disney World. My ass is already numb," I say out loud. The baby squeals a bit so I look next to me at Aislinn, and she is hand over hand struggling to keep the little shit in her lap.

"Andre, my God sit up!" she says with exasperated affection. She is beautiful, her hair all soft curls and flowers. Her eyes bright and amused. The curve of her shoulder in that sundress is art, really. Lou has done such a banging job for this wedding, and she had been so concerned to get it right. It's spot on. I'll need to let her know it. Liam and Soph deserve all of this and more, and we're all so good after this last two months break. And the two more months to come I am savoring. But I make a mental note to send a complaint or two to Disney's event offices about these fooking chairs.

I am still looking at her as my mind begins to craft a poignant sentiment right for roasting Disney, when she turns from Andre and looks at me. She holds my attention, and I am suddenly quite overwhelmed by what I see in her eyes. I was not mistaken last night. This is the same look she had as she was peppering my face and my palms with kisses in the enormous bed. It's the look I've always wanted from her.

She knows her value now, and I'm the reason she does, and so she is with me.

My God, she is beautiful. I puff out a breath that I'd been holding, and a smile grows from the corner of my mouth towards my eyes. The moment is broken though, by a booming voice.

"Give me the baby!" Harold practically yells as he struggles through a row of chairs and into the aisle towards us. Maeve, who is sat next to us, stands then.

"Harry, love," Maeve says and reaches for Andre. "Our favorite uncle!"

Andre smiles at his mother, Maeve, and then flashes a much bigger one at the approaching Harry. He takes a moment to kiss the top my head, such an ass. "Tommo, Aislinn" he greets, but then he's all over Andre and assaulting Maeve with childrearing questions. "Are we sleeping all through the night, then yes of course we are!" He's brightly offering as I look back at Aislinn.

The look is still there in her eyes. She loves me. "Aislinn," I say.

"Louis," she confirms, smiling brightly. We've two years of work behind us speaking our real selves and re-learning each other from scratch and I would never trade the tears and the heartbreak and the joy of it for anything.

"Are you interested in being known by another name?"

"What do you have in mind?" She is playful and holds my heart so fully. There it is then. Right there. She is so many things to me. I've helped her find peace, and I am not a fake or a fraud in that work.

"How is Aislinn Tomlinson?" I offer. A shy look from her now, and she glances down.

"Are you asking me something Louis Tomlinson?" she says quietly.

"I am. I am asking you to marry me, but no Disney wedding, the chairs are for shit, yea?"

My proposal is rewarded with a longing kiss, and a warm hug, twisted as we are in these monstrous chairs.

"I will marry you, Louis" she says.

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