You wanna know what's so hard about my life....lies and confusions....
The people that I believe that have my back don't....
And the people that I've known for along time are the ones that I care about the most and I thank them for being there....
but there's and exception.....
This one girl that I've known ever since kindergarten... Is actually fake....I called her my best friend for the longest....and we've known each other like that for the longest....but what she did is the worst.....
Not only is this a rant ....but this is also an apology...
(the apology will be part 2)
About a week ago I was in a confrontation with my old best friend and I went to my new best friend for advice and believe me it helped.....the last thing that was said from me to my new best friend was
Bre love:Ik and I did
And now that doesn't matter as long as I have you.....Then I get home the old bestfriend starts to text me and we start to then In the end I said... "You know what I don't have time for this I'm taking my ass to sleep thus is bullshit...bye✌"
OK I go to sleep for a good four hours because I got home at 3:00 and I woke up at 7:00...
OK so I go on my Facebook to try to text my new best friend and she's not there.....
So I ask to only other person that had my facebook password and I kept asking her what she did and ever time she would say that she didn't do anything and I spent to whole week trying to figure out what happened... And today is the day that realize that she went on my page and blocked to only person that I had as my best and my new best friend would be up really late talking about everything.... I told her everything and she told me everything ....and I would tagg her in posts on facebook..and I would always talk about how much I love her and she's my everything...
And my old best friend saw everything and got jealous... And got her revenge...but I fixed that problem quick....but now I'm not sure if my new bestfriend will talk to me and I'm really scared on what to say to her because shes hurt and thinking about all of this is bringing me to tears...its all too hard but......I wanna start by apologizing.....
This is part one stay tooned for part two: Apology
My book of poems
Poetrythis is something that I decided to share...not because I had too ..but because I want to