2. Georgia

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Y/n P.O.V

I couldn't believe that we had actually come to a Shawn concert, I'd actually just seen Shawn, I'd just sat in the same venue that he was at. It was unreal, it was something I'm pretty sure was never destined for me; from the day I started to like boys it was always celebrities, boys that it would never get my hands on, whenever they came to my city my mom would either tell me we were broke or that I wasn't allowed to go because I had a job to do for her. The Same went for David, I believed my life was going to be a horrid boring old life, where I wouldn't be allowed to leave the city I lived in ever, just like my mother. I'm pretty sure this is her first time out of the city and she seems very happy about it, Imagine never being able to leave the city you live in, never getting to experience the world in person only on the screen of your laptop, tablet or phone....... horrible right? OH YEAH we can't forget about Taylor's part, it was amazing, I've grown a lot of respect for her, she's beautiful, nice, something no human can deny is that her music is good, she is very talented. And plus Taylor and Shawn that's like a two in one deal, I saw them both, it was kind of embarrassing though when it came to Taylor's part because I had absolutely no clue what some of the words are in her songs, neither did mom, David or dad, so I'm pretty sure we stood out in the crowd. When Shawn had walked off the stage after performing my heart was beating at a uncontrollable pace and my imagination running wild, just like when he came out onto the stage 'how did this come to be?' I have to thank my mom for this, this is so far out of her league, or what I believed to be her league.

When everyone began to spill out of the concert venue we noticed it was completely dark, something we knew back in the venue since it didn't have a roof but also something we didn't pay much mind to. "Boys you can go to the car if you want, y/n you come with me" she tossed the keys through the air to dad and they then scurried off to the car which was around the corner. She took hold of my arm and began to pull me somewhere "mom where are we going?" She didn't reply, maybe she couldn't hear me over the amount of people or should I say fangirls that were also chatting around us. "Sorry, excuse me, sorry" she politely pushed through people dragging me along which made me say the same sequence of words, she then stopped once we had gotten around the corner of the building, it was not one of the most hygienic places to be standing. "Mom what are we doing here?" "Sshh" my eyes widened at her urgency to hush me up, I looked around the wall we were stood next to and saw a door "if we wait long enough he might come out" she explained "you have to be quiet so that we have more of a chance of meeting him, because if your loud and warn people where you are you'll get shoved and your time will be done" she explained in greater detail "ohh" I said quietly, just then the door opened, eyes widened, my heart beat picked up it's past and probably it's volume, I'm sure everyone in this whole city could here it "yeah, the door is closed, he's in the car ready to go, ok" a man in a shiny green neon jacket came out with a walkie talkie. He looked in our direction and eyed us 'he knows something' "he's gone, ok, I'll stay guarding the door just incase, these girls can be crazy" the man said, I glared at him, I saw it unsettled him and laughed mentally 'yes we are crazy, but we do it for a good reason' I sassed back in my head.

When we had heard on the mans walkie talkie that 'he' which I'm guessing was Shawn had left we began to head back to the car. When we had got into the car the boys seemed fast asleep with a bit of music playing from the radio "thanks mom this was amazing,my our awesome" "thank you, but it's not over yet" there it was again, she said it again, I had no idea what she was talking about "what do you mean it's not over?" "You'll see" she laughed, more to her self than to me. She turned the music up a bit louder and began to head from the parking lot and onto the road, driving back home. I sighed and snuggled into my chair, my eyes slowly fluttering closed 'tonight was good, no, IT WAS AMAZING, AWESOME' after that thought my eyes closed but just before I fully drifted off to sleep the radio reporter for the music announced "Taylor Swift just performed in Baton Rouge, fans that have waited years had confirmed it was a wiz and can't wait to go to another one. Girls from the Mendes Army have also announced they have been super proud of the newly found artist Shawn Mendes who performed tonight in Baton Rouge, crazy isn't it that this boy with so much talent has come so far so quickly at just 16 years of age, right Rick?" "Yes completely mind blowing, this kid, I've seen some videos of him life and he kills it, he's sow one to look out for in the future hit lists" "yes he is, haha" she laughed "and onto over reports Selena Gomez new song-" with the report about tonight over I blocked everything out and let my mind shut down for the night.


As my mind came back into function, I heard the music still playing, I looked out of the window once I opened my eyes and saw it was still quiet dark out, just like it was yesterday morning. 'why do we keep getting up at extreme hours of the morning, this is crazy' I looked over to David who seemed slightly awake as he scrolled through his Instagram timeline, he looked completely out of it. I looked into the front seats and saw mom sleeping and dad was also on his phone, looking through his emails. I sighed and fell back into my seat slipping my phone from my jacket pocket, I clicked the home button and the time came up '6:57am' 'so close to 7 but still way to early, and-where the heck are we?' I looked around out surroundings and saw a place I've never seen before, did mom get us lost, why aren't we home yet, I need to eat something, I need to change my clothes, I need my bed. I don't like moaning but I think right now is necessary, I mean I'm stuck in a car, with no food, no new clothing to change into, I have no idea where we are in the world, what is mom doing to us. I nudge moms arm waking her up "huh?" Is what she says after waking up, she looked looney her hair all disarray her makeup messed up, her eyes not the brightest, she didn't seem alive, much, but I pushed her down with a lot of very needed unanswered questions "where are we? why aren't we home? what's there to eat?" "Were in Georgia, that's why we're not home, and there's fast food restaurants that we can eat from" "WHY THE HECK ARE WE IN GORGIA?" "Mind your mouth" mom and dad almost say in unison at David "were going to have some fun" is all she answered before starting up the car and heading to the drive-thru at McDonalds 'I think she's going through menopause, because this is crazy'.


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