16. Philadelphia Pt2

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Y/n P.O.V

As we woke I was able to stretch better than the last morning as I'd got more space since Shawn was not sleeping behind to me. I sighed in pleasure after I'd stretched and proceeded to go to the bathroom after collecting some clothes from a storage box which had all my belongings in. You could say I almost tiptoed through the coach halls in hope not to wake anyone as it was still dark outside, I guessed it was about 4 coming up for 5am, I didn't want their sleep to be cut short, they all had to do much more hectic stuff than me and they needed the sleep. I stepped into the shower and began to wash myself, reminiscing about last night and how great it felt to actually see the joy I gave to people when I didn't want to use my tickets, it was something I would ask my mom to do, but now that I felt the excitement it gave people I couldn't wait to carry on, I had no reason at all to be nervous last night. I chuckled at the sheer fact of how stupid I must of looked, and also how stupid I felt now that I knew it wasn't that bad. Once I'd finished I hopped out, dried my body and my hair and got changed into today's outfit which was dungaree shorts a crop top and some white converse, my hair was brushed into a bun as it was quite hot and then I brushed my teeth and wash my face before exiting the bathroom. As I exited I heard chatter coming from the cough area and put my dirty clothes and essentials in my suitcase and walked off to be seated with the manly crew. "Hey" I smiled and plopped down next to Shawn which was the only seat available not tat I minded one bit, nor would I if it was either of them "hi, we were just talking about you" Shawn smiled softly and wrapped his arm around my waist "oh, good things I hope" I laughed looking at them all "yes, yes good things, always good things" Andrew laughed back "that's great, what was it about?" I clasped my hands together and started rubbing them anxiously.

"Last night" Shawn said, I raised my eyebrows and looked from him to John, Geoff and Andrew in a way that said what-about-last-night "well, how you dealt with the fans last night, specifically." Andrew added almost like he had read my mind "they loved you" "they really did these two girls from Brazil came in for the meet and greet and couldn't believe that they were actually there" John said as a wittiness to the scene; he has to be there with Shawn at every moment just incase things go wrong. "Yeah, they came in crying and I asked them what the matter was, they said they had no idea they'd get to see me tonight let along meet me. I asked how they didn't and they started talking about a person, you. They said and I quote 'this girl came up too us and made it seem as if she didn't have tickets either, she made us tell her why we wanted to see you bad, almost like she wanted to make sure we actually deserved the tour two friends got tickets to see you tonight, she was great, you have no idea what some of these girls do to make everyone happy. SHE WAS ALMOST LIKE A MIRACLE ANGEL' and I'm pretty sure they are right" my jaw had long time fallen from the words of the Brazilian girls, it made me feel all giddy inside and made me feel super happy with what I was able to do for them. I felt a tear fall from my eye and my words chocked up in my throat, the men all looked at me with soft smiles "I think, that those girls will love you just as much as we do" something I would have never expected to come out of Geoff mouth. "I love you guys too" I laughed and wiped my tears as they continued to roll down my cheeks "group hug" Geoff chuckled, we all laughed and leaned forward into a group hug, once we pulled back I breathed out "GEESH SHAWN YOU NEED TO GET A WASH" I blurted out, the crew laughed and Shawn pouted "HEY, they smell too, TELL THEM THEY NEED TO WASH" his eyebrows were raised and he looked like a puppy that was just told off. "You heard him guys, and he's quite right. YOU ALL STINK"

"yeah well if wonder women was faster then we'd all of had washes already" Geoff spoke I scowled at him playfully "enough with wonder women Geoff" I pouted "sorry, but no can do" I slouched back in my seat, crossed my arms and pouted. One by one they went into the bathroom and had showers, once they had all done it was 13:45 we were going to lounge about for the rest of the day till maybe about 17:00 when we'd leave for the venue the same when for tomorrow, we'd stay in Philly for day two of the concerts in Philly and then we'd be heading off back to Shawn's home town. As me and Shawn sat on the bottom bunk of the beds he came up with the idea of calling his mom, my heart speed up at the thought 'oh gosh, this is gonna be scary, it will be fine, it will be fine' I mentally began to panic "she's gonna love you" he reassured I hesitantly nodded in agreement trying to calm myself down *Beep beep, beep beep* "hello, Shawn?" "Hi mum" "hi honey, how are you?" Her voice sounded soft, not at all scary but still my pulse was pulsing faster than usual. She also sounded a bit posh, she had to be British to have such a cute and proper accent like that "I'm fine mum I seem to be getting better the more the time goes, the crowds are amazing and a few other things have spruced up this tour and made it much more enjoyable than I thought it would be" he looked at me and squeezed my hand as he said so, making my cheeks heat up "that's great to hear darling, how's your father been?" "Oh he's been great, he also believes a few other things have spruced up the tour that were quite unexpected when we headed off" he looked at me with a small smile "oh really? What is the few other things that have spruced up the tour that where also unexpected? did John finally give up his role of body guard to Geoff or is Andrew giving it a try?" she laughed, it set a smile on my face, she sounded really genuine and also very funny. "No neither of those but I'm sure that would make it ten times better" he laughed back, I couldn't help but let out a little giggle, luckily not loud enough for his mom to hear.

"No, but seriously, umm. Well I somehow ended up with this miracle angel, what my fans have called her, that I first saw back in Orlando when she fainted in front of me at her meet and greet. She had no clue she'd be meeting me and got worked up hence the fainting and then weirdly her mom secretly had planned to follow me for the whole tour and somehow along the way I began to like her and now. Here we sit after finally meeting each other back in Ohio, where we had our first official meeting, kiss and also our first fight" I was blown away by how much he had remembered and in how much detail and order, this was a lot for me I could only imagine how much this was to his mom. Finally after about a minute or what felt like a minute of silence his mom spoke "OH MY GOSH, CAN I MEET HER?" She was happy, excited thrilled at the news Shawn had just sprung upon her all at once, I'm sure if I did that to my mom she would have flipped, not had a clue what to say and if she did it wouldn't have been as light and positive as it was coming from his moms mouth. "SURE" Shawn said happily and passed his phone to me even though it was on loud speaker "Hello mrs Mendes" "oh it's not mrs Mendes and also call me Karen" oh 'SHOOT, EMBARRASSED BY MY FIRST SENTENCE TO HIS MOTHER, HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?' I mentally slapped myself "hi Karen" she chuckled softly "hi, you must be miracle angel" she laughed, I laughed too, I saw from the corner of my eye that Shawn had a pleased expression set on his face "it's y/n, haha" "hi y/n, what a beautiful name" I blushed a bit "thanks" "so umm, your a fan of my sons?" I shook my head but realised she couldn't see "Oh, Oh No, I love your son and support your son, I want the best for him I don't want to branded stereotypically for spending my money on him to make him seem like a spoilt person, because stereotypically as. I support your son for his heart and talent, also his common sense and deep understanding of things.

It took a while before she spoke "wow" she breathed out and spoke again "can Shawn hear me?" "Yeah" I replied "ok, thanks" "SHES A KEEPER" she celebrated through the phone making me laugh, it sounded like something you would say when prancing around excitedly like an idiot. Not that Karen is an idiot, if Shawn is really her son, she hasn't an ounce of idiot in her. Shawn laughed "that's exactly what the rest of the crew has said, they all love her" "what is there not to love about her, she's great, I haven't even meet her yet and I love her, she sounds amazing, no winder you fell for her, I'm sure your father d, "yeah he did, from the moment he first sat down and talked to her, actually from the moment I talked about her to them" he made me blush a deep crimson red. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand "well honey I can't wait to meet you and also can't wait for you to be back home with us even though it isn't for a long while" "me too" "bye mom" "bye Karen" "bye Shawn, bye y/n Love" I smiled at her words and the phone hung up. "Well that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" I smiled delighted "I told you, and I told you she'd love you straightaway, so did everyone else" "yeah yeah, I know, no need to brag" he chuckled and scooped me closer to him and kissed my head, I giggled "your such a softy, just like my mum" he smiled down at me as he played with strands of my hair "I can't wait till you guys meet each other, you'll have a ball" we then just chilled until it was time to head to the show. Once again Shawn dropped me off outside the venue leaving me with an ID card and I handed out the tickets. The same feeling came from the first time I did it, last night, and it made me feel like if Shawn and I did work out that these guys probably wouldn't have as much of a bad view on me as they would if I didn't do what I'm doing and will continue doing, even though the bad views will still come. But well see what happens either tonight or tomorrow in Philly.
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