Part 12 - The Agony of Choice

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The thing about my condition, I find, is that having something happen that would kill you in normal circumstances is really, really inconvenient when you are already, actually dead. When I was pushed off the bridge, I don't even remember hitting the water. Instead, I woke up already in Hell, nice and warm and feeling ironically cozy. This time however, I felt it. Every. Last. Little. Bit.

I slammed into the rocky ravine floor so hard I swear the ground cracked open beneath me. My connection to Ghree broke as soon as I hit, and I've no doubt she took off as soon as she knew I was no longer able to chase after her. Thankfully I'm able to manage pain - turning off the worst of the sensations my body was sending my brain - as not only had every bone in my body broken on impact, but a ton of rocks and debris from the ravine sides fell down and buried me deep beneath it. I was encased in the rocks, my arms and legs and chest twisted into strange and unusual positions, and I was able to appreciate all of it, thanks to being dead already.

I quickly began to worry that I would never be able to move, and so stay buried here for hours, days, years - forever maybe - but when my bones begin to heal, straightening and popping back into place a few minutes after the fall, I find the rocks around me move enough to allow my broken body to regain its proper shape. I sound pretty cool about the whole thing, but trust me - inside I am Freaking Out. As soon as my body's done repairing itself, I gingerly try moving my arms and legs, and finding them seemingly okay, I begin to dig myself out.

I while away the time as I inch my way upwards by thinking over the last words I said to Ghree and the effect they had on her. Which, plainly, wasn't much. But despite my failure to convince her of my good intentions, I'm sure that just before I lost my link to her consciousness - just before I hit bottom - I felt something else appear in her mind.

It felt like hope.

Ghree had spent so long harbouring spite and hatred in her heart, it was a wonder that she would find anything in me that could change her outlook on life. Certainly our conversation hadn't revolved around intellectual argument and persuasion. So it must be something else. Something I did, maybe?

Of course - my ability to reach into her! It strikes me that I might be unique in having that ability. If the only other beings that can do that are God and Charles Hathershaw...

My mind freewheels while I turn that thought over a few times. I must be able to use that to my advantage. And if it works for Ghree, then surely it works for all the Horsemen. I want to talk this over with someone, starting with Fluff. And then I realise I haven't even thought to ask him for help in getting out of here. Not only that, but he hasn't tried to contact me either. In a panic, I reach out, searching around for his coal-bright conscience. How could I have forgotten him?

With a flood of relief, I find Fluff a little way above me.

"Hey! Want to help a girl out a little here?" I send to him, feeling a little pissed that he hadn't dug down to find me like some mental St Bernard.

"Yeah.., I don't want to give the game away, if you know what I mean. You got visitors."

"I'm buried under a pile of rock, who the hell is up there waiting for me?"

"Well, the good Doctor Huntley is here. I think he likes you, you know."

"Huntley's here? Why? What's he doing?"

"Right now? He's tickling me behind my ears. It's kinda nice. I feel like I should show him some affection. Think I should lick his face?"

"After where your tongues been? ...Yeah, okay. Do that. Should be interesting. Now dig me out!"

Aveline and the Fifth Horseman of the ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now