Part 21 - The First Trumpet

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"...There was panic today across several states due to what the weather service called an unprecedented phenomenon occurring in the upper atmosphere, resulting in the unexpected and sudden formation of huge storms and tornadoes that swept across the midwest. Parts of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska were worst hit, with reports of serious damage to property and loss of life. The President has called a state of emergency and pledged federal support, saying he has authorised the national guard to mobilise into the area and is releasing funds to help those affected. It is still too early to tell how bad the damage is, with phones out of action and power down in most areas, but early indications are this is a catastrophe on a scale unheard of in living memory."

"...NBSC News with a special report from our correspondent in Las Vegas. Corey, what more can you tell us about these incredible events? ...Well Tracey, incredible is the word. I've just spoken to several people who made it to Las Vegas and they told me they came from Cedar City not far over the border into Utah. Apparently this all started about fourteen hours ago when out of nowhere, the sky turned black with storm clouds, lightning and thunder rending the sky, the wind blowing in pulverising gusts, taking roofs off houses and flattening whole tracts of forest. They said they were the lucky ones, the worst of the tornadoes happened to the north and east, but even so they and much of the town felt it prudent to get out quick and head south, away from the worst of it. One lady, driving a sedan packed with belongings and her three children said that when the storms and the windstorm came, the sound was like a thousand trumpets being blown all at once, an eerie precursor to an event of almost biblical proportions."

"...Of course, we think there is some kind of logical explanation for this. But it is true that as of this moment, the best minds are yet to come to any agreement on what caused this disturbance to the atmosphere. Some theories have been mooted, such as an extreme sudden stratospheric cooling event, or an asteroid skimming through the atmosphere and leaving massive turbulence in its wake, but neither NOAA or NASA say there is any evidence for this from satellite and space observations and the cause remains a mystery..."

"...Clearly, something odd is happening. People across the area say that the noise was like the howling of wolves or the call of a thousand trumpets. The parallel to the portents for the end of the world are striking..."

<Text from: OGUNWE +24982556993012 08:29: Aveline, it is happening! Charles must have found Hell and captured it like he has Heaven. Now he is bringing Armageddon upon the world. Time is short, once he has the other six dimensions open to the world, it will be too late, You must gather the other Horsemen to your side, quickly!>


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