Chapter 8: Broom Rides, Recoveries, and Sisters!

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(Soundtrack: Track 8: Reflections by Misterwives)

  (The picture is of Coraline, Matilda's sister)
  After they had brought Harry in and gave him medicine he slowly regained consciousness.
"I saw my father." He said bolting upright.
"What?" Hermione asked being the one sitting next to him.
"Listen Harry. They've got Sirius. Any minute now they're gonna give him the kiss." I told him from my bed across the room.
He walked up to me and asked, "You mean they're going to kill him?"
"No. It's worse. Much worse. They're going to suck out his soul." Hermione said darkly.
Just then Dumbledore decided to pay a visit.
"Headmaster, you've got to stop them. They've got the wrong man." Hermione cried running up to Dumbledore.
"It's true sir. Sirius is innocent." Harry stated.
"It's Scabbers who did it." Ron hissed walking alongside Hermione and Harry.
"Scabbers?" Dumbledore asked clearly confused.
"That's my rat sir. Well, he's not really a rat. He WAS a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat, before they gave him an owl-" Ron babbled but was cut off by Hermione.
"What he means is. We know the truth. Will you please believe us?" She asked desperately.
"I do Miss Granger but I'm sorry to say the word of three thirteen thirteen year old wizards-" I gave Dumbledore a sad look and he corrected himself, "I mean four thirteen year old wizards will convince few others."
He walked over to me and said, "A child's voice is meaningless-" He patted my head, "To those *pat* who've forgotten *pat*  how to listen." He patted my head once more and my hair finally threw a tantrum and fell in my face causing Ron to snicker but he was interrupted my the bell tower ringing.
"Mysterious thing, time. Powerful. And when meddled with, dangerous. Sirius Black is in the top cellar of the dark tower. You know the laws Miss Granger." He said muttering the last part.
"You must not be seen and you will do what I feel to return before the last chime. If not, the consequences are to ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life will be spared." He began to walk out before turning around once more, "Three turns should do it. Oh and by the way, when in doubt, I find retracing my steps a nice place to begin. Good luck."
After he walked out Ron turned to her, "What the bloody hell was that all about?"
Hermione turned to me, "Sorry Matilda but seeing as how you can't walk." She said taking the watch from her coat and stretching the string to make it fit her, Harry, and Ron's neck.
"Oh no, it's cool. Just stay safe and Ron, please don't mess it up." I said smiling to Ron, already knowing what's going to happen.
"What are you talking about?" He asked me.
Harry reached down to try to touch the watch that Hermione was in the process of turning but Hermione slapped his hand away. After a few seconds they faded and the door opened and all three walked back in.
"That never ceases to amaze me." I sighed and Hermione laughed and ran over to me giving me a hug.
"How's your leg?" Harry asked after doing the same.
"Perfectly fine. There's really no reason they had to wrap it. My leg was just fine." I told him.
"Liar. Your whole calf muscle is bruised." Ron laughed ruffling my already messed up hair.
"Why is everybody all about messing up my hair tonight?" I asked no one in particular and I felt two pairs of hands go on my head and mess it up making me groan and Hermione laughed from next to me.


There was a crowd of students in the courtyard as I made my way to the front to see what was happening.
"Go on, Harry!"
"Do it!"
"Take it for a spin!"
"Stay safe!"
There were many people yelling as I found my way to the front of the crowd. "What's happening?" I asked a Ravenclaw girl next to me.
"Oh! Harry Potter got himself a fire bolt! They're the hottest broom of the age, they are!" She giggled going back to watching.
I saw Harry about to mount the broom when his eyes met mine. He smiled at me and waved me over and I eventually got pushed to him.
"It's only fit that Princess Matilda gets first ride along with the knight in shining armor." He smiled bowing.
"Oh, Harry. That's the sweetest thing but I don't have the best luck in the world. Plus I still have this thing." I sighed motioning to my leg in its boot.
"Oh come on!" Ron groaned lifting me onto the broom. Harry laughed and got on behind me. The broom lifted into the air and I laughed. Harry reached in front of me and gripped the broom and I gripped his hands on the broom as I held on for dear life.
"WOOHOO!" I yelled as we did a flip.
We flew over black lake and I leaned down to let my had skim over the peaceful waters.
Harry laughed and hopped from behind me also.
We flew over the castle and paused for a minute.
"Oh it's so beautiful, Harry!" I gasped turning a bit to face him.
"You're absolutely right." He said looking me in the eye with a huge grin.
I blushed as he kissed my cheek.

After we got on the train, we all got in a cart and just talked and laughed until Hermione brought up a subject I would rather not be talking about.
"Now, Matilda. You know you're required to message us regularly right?" She asked eyeing me.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." I smiled.
"And you DO know that if anything happens you HAVE to message us right?" Harry asked.
I looked down slightly.
"What are you guys talking about?" Ron asked.
"Should we tell him? I mean, it has been three years and he's kind of like my brother." I asked.
"Whatever you think is best." Hermione said and I looked to Harry who nodded encouragingly.
I looked out the cart door and then closed it.

"HOW COME YOU'VE NEVER TOLD ME?!" Ron asked angrily but I knew it wasn't directed at me.
"I'm sorry, Ron. I just didn't want you to tell your parents because I'd be separated from all the other girls and my sister in Russia doesn't have enough money to travel and take me to live with her. She's currently working three jobs just to adopt me in three years. I can handle three more years. That's nothing." I shrugged.
"But I've got to tell mom and dad." He said.
"Ron, please don't. If anything happens then I'll send Leonardo to come to either Harry, you, or Hermione. Then and only then can you tell your parents. I don't mind Fred and George as long as they don't tell but anyone else I swear I will hex you into the years ahead if you tell without my consent." I threatened.
He sighed and threw his head back in thought before groaning, "Fine but if she hurts you again then I'm going to have to kill her."
"I call first hit." Harry said raising his hand slightly and we all laughed.
"I think I'll be fine. My sister is picking me up so you guys will finally get to meet her!" I yelled excitedly and they laughed.

Once we got to the station I got my things and then looked around for my sister.
"I found her!" I yelled to my three friends.
"MATILDA!" She yelled.
"CORALINE!" I yelled back and ran full force at her we collided and she nearly fell back in the hug.
She separated but held me at an arms length distance.
"Oh Matilda it's been so long!" She cried.
You see my sister looks a lot like me in the face. She has long dark brown hair and very prominent cheek bones and jaw bones. She's milky pale but we have our differences. I'm dirty blonde and she's brunette. But she is VERY pretty.
"That it has, my dear sister. Now, I'd like to introduce you to my three friends here. This is Ron, Hermione, and Harry." I said pointing at them and they all waved as did she.
"Hey there. You have no idea how much she talks about you three. I hope she behaves down there." She smiled eyeing me.
They hesitated and looked to me and I frantically nodded and they laughed nodding. Ron was staring at my sister with wide eyes and mouth and I looked behind him seeing that Percy, Fred, and George were also looking at her the same way. I can't blame them. My sister was very beautiful.
  "Good. Well it was nice meeting you three but I believe we have plans for supper. I'll tell you what though, one day over the summer we're all gonna have to get together and swim or something like that, how does that sound?" Coraline asked.
"Great." The three of them yelled excitedly and we all said our goodbyes which included Harry kissing me on the cheek.
The entire way to the restaurant I was having to explain that Harry and me are only friends and why I had a boot on my leg.
I love my sister and seeing that she is in fact not in harms way as Professor Trelawney predicted made me very happy. I knew that nothing was ever going to separate me from my sister.
               ......boy was I wrong.

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