Chapter 6 - A Million Miles Away

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Months had passed, Chris and I still didn’t plan our wedding since I had a lot to do at work. I still thought of Drake, but he never showed up at the restaurant again, he didn’t even call, I guess he was mad at me.

I was working at the restaurant almost 24 hours a day, it was so overwhelming I couldn’t remember almost anything, the last thing I remember from the restaurant was a knife falling down between my toes, damn the pain was so bad I fainted, they had to rush me to the hospital so I wouldn’t bleed too much and so the doctors could still save my toes. I woke up in a white place, everything white, it didn’t occur to me that I was in the hospital, I thought I was actually dead. But then a nurse came in to the room and I realized I was at the hospital, I was still in very much pain so asked her if I could get some pain killers, she said she was gonna call the doctor. Right now, I wish she didn’t, if she didn’t anything would have happened, but then, that’s just the muthafuckin life.

Drake: hey

Rihanna: Drake? You…

Drake: How is your foot?

Rihanna: Still hurting, but… You’re a doctor? You didn’t tell me you were a doctor!

Drake: You never asked… So I’m gonna give you some pain killer for it, you should be good by the weekend.

Rihanna: that’s 3 days from now

Drake: yeah

I have never seen him so cold… It was awful, cuz just to look at him made my stomach full of butterflies, I felt like a damn teenager.

Rihanna: Drake?

Drake: yeah

Rihanna: How are you doing?

Drake: I’m great, see I’m busy right now, so… Anything you need just call the nurse.

He left the room with that and I laid back on the bed and sighed, why? Why did I have to end up on the hospital he worked at? Now all the feeling I had for him are rushing back, in fact, I’m not even sure if they ever left.

Suddenly I felt asleep and then I rested my eyes, when I woke up, I was expecting to see Drake, there, taking care of me, but instead it was Chris

Chris: Good morning babe! How are you feeling?

Rihanna: I’m fine I guess, ouch, my foot still hurt

Chris: well that’s gonna take a while to heal

Rihanna: But they saved my toes right?!

Chris: I think so… I bought you a snack, you hungry?

Rihanna: Starving!

He laid down next to me and we ate the cookies he brought me, when we finished eating a nurse came into my room to measure my pressure and Chris said he had to leave. We said goodbye and after the nurse also left, I slept again, I didn’t have anything else to do.

This time when I woke up, Drake was there. He didn’t change the way he was standing when he saw I woke up, he just stared, I hated when he did that. So I just stared back, hoping he would get the clue that it was annoying, but after a while I realized he had a huge scar across his face and I suddenly got worried

Rihanna: what happened to you?

Drake: nothing

Rihanna: No really, what happened?

Drake: …….

Rihanna: it doesn’t seem like an accident.

Drake: it wasn’t

Rihanna: then what was it?

Drake: *sighs* After you left that day, two huge guys knocked on my door, they came in and started beating me up, afterwards your fiancé got there too. He said that I was suppose to stay away from you if I wanted to live, as you already told me you wanted to move on with him, I agreed. But he left the scar as a ‘warning’.

Rihanna: Oh my G… Drake I’m really sorry I had no idea!

Drake: it’s ok

Rihanna: So he knew it all along

Drake: I guess… I have to get going now.

He left me with my mouth opened, I couldn’t believe Chris would do something like that!

The days that passed I had to stay on that hospital bed with nothing to do, so when Drizzy had coffee breaks he used to go there and we used to talk for hours. Just talk, nothing else, it was great, but when Chris would come to visit me Drake would come back to work and it made me sad he wasn’t around anymore. When Chris used to leave, he used to come back and we used to talk again, he made me laugh, he made me happy.

When the weekend arrived, I had to go home again, I couldn’t walk straight but Chris helped me, as soon as I got to the door I got sad again, I knew I wouldn’t see Drake anymore now. Chris helped me to get to bed and he was treating me weirdly, but like a princess, it felt nice but I wish it was Drake taking care of me there.

When my feet got better Chris told me he needed to go visit his mom for about 2 weeks, by himself, he said it was okay for me to stay so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to go see Drake again, another mistake.

Drake: hey, is your foot better?

Rihanna: Yeah, thanks

Drake: no problem…

We wasted no time on kissing each other, I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn’t help it, I wanted him way too much. He got me to his bed and started undressing me, he was so fast, I guess he missed me. After he was done with my clothes he just went for it, he thrust me, it felt so damn good, he was doing it hard and fast, hard and fast and deeper, then hard and fast for several minutes, I didn’t want it to end but eventually it did, so we just stand there next to each other with our hearts beating fast, after recovering myself from all the action I laid down on his chest and I felt safe for the first time in months.

We were about to do it the second time, but something interrupted it, the door bell. Drake put his pants on and went get it. I stayed there in the bed waiting for him calmly, but then suddenly I heard heavy and fast footsteps, footsteps that weren’t Drake’s, cuz he wasn’t wearing shoes. When the person opened the door to the room I had no idea of what to do.

Rihanna: Chris I can explain….

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