Livin with the Cullens

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Chapter 1: I get a new Family

I was scared out of my mind. I was running in the forest, bare-foot, and away from some hazel-eyed vampires. I don't know if they came to do me bad, or good, but I wasn't taking any chances. I ran and ran until I couldn't feel my bleeding feet any more. My feet where very bloody, if a vampire came across they would smell me and try to drink me. I didn't care I did what I had done all my life, run until all your problems are long gone.

"Stop!" I heard someone scream.

I completely ignored whoever said that. Suddenly a tall dude with funny hair stopped in front of me, making me crash into him. I fell to the floor and I quickly cowered back. I have to think of a plan, I don't want to get hurt again.

I looked around and saw a few rocks and a whole bunch of trees. I used one of my powers and up-rooted the tree. The guy in-front of me looked surprised, but not as surprised as when the tree hit him and sent him flying for miles. The others caught up and looked surprised at what I did.

"Yeah, I'm just going to," I started getting up. "Run!"I said and ran away.

I ran as fast as I could but my darn short legs didn't help me much. All of them caught up to me and grabbed my arms. I started kicking and trying to get out of their grips, but they just tightened them.

"Please let go of me!" I begged.

"Don't worry, we're not going to hurt you." A female voice said, with her hand stroking my face.

"Liar! You're like all of them! You're going to hurt me, and leave me alone in the woods after I've served my purpose!" I screamed.

"No we're not, we're going to take you to our home, and make you part of our family." She said stroking my face again.

I looked up at her in disbelief. She looked at me shocked. I was surprised because all the vampires that have come to me, it has only been to drink my blood.

"Really?" I asked her.

She only nodded and motioned for the guys holding my arms to let go. I was debating whether I should believe her or run away. I'm outnumbered, they're all older than me, and I have zero fighting experience when it came to many opponents. I sighed.

"Okay. But please don't hurt me." I pleaded.

She did the most unexpected thing, she hugged me. I had never been hugged, because no one had ever loved me. I stood there, un-moving. After a while I hugged back, and it felt super good.

"Come on, let's get you home and into new clothes." She said after the hug. I only nodded and followed outside of the forest and into their cars.

I guess this would be the perfect time to introduce myself. My name's Violet, I have no last name. Why? Because I have no family. I'm Latina and a healthy skinny light brown-skinned body. I have dark-brown short hair with multi-colored streaks around all of it. I'm pretty short for my age, 4 foot 11; I'm 13 years old. I was wearing very ripped skinny jeans, a black shirt that reached only to my semi-made boobs and showed off my torso.

The car ride to their house was very quiet and I hated it. I wish they would play some music. But I know better than to wish for something. The gods have no pity on me, and they make sure my life is horrible. It's because of them that my life is my own personal Hades, with no escape.

When we got to their house I couldn't believe there are actually houses with so many windows, and so much beauty. I got out of the car and followed the nice woman inside. She turned to me.

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