yet another chapter

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Chapter 2: I Meet my Twin

                 When we got home we heard a huge crash. Mom got out of the car sighing, and shaking her head. 0We got my bags out of the car and headed inside. When we got inside it looked as if a hurricane, thunder-storm, and tsunami all had happened. At the same time, couches were flipped over and broken in half. The coffee table was stuck in the wall. The TV was broken in half. The windows broken and the chandelier was in the middle of the room, on the floor.

If this was the living room, I do not want to know how the rest of the house is.

"Emmet! Edward! Isabella! Renesmee! Jacob! Jasper! Carlisle! You all come down right this second! Or all you will be kicked out and never brought in!" Mom yelled.

        Suddenly the rest of the family came in, all of them looking down. They stood in the order mom called them. Emmet was big, and bulky. Edward was thin yet muscular, with funny hair. Isabella was thin with beautiful long, wavy brown hair. Renesmee looked like my age with Isabella's hair, and Edwards eyes. Jacob was tall, muscular, and tan. Jasper was thin and muscular with wavy blonde hair. And Carlisle was tall not so muscular and also had blonde hair.

"Does anyone care to explain why my house is torn apart?" Mom asked calmly. I suddenly winced remembering why calm voices scare me the most.

"We were playing hide-and-seek." Edward spoke up. Mom looked at him.

"Then why is my house destroyed?" She asked.

"Emmet, Jasper, and Nessie got a bit carried away." He said.

"I did not want Violet to see our house damaged, and yet she did. You are all grounded. Including you Carlisle. No TV, no pranks, no going out for dates. You can only leave the house to go to school, work, or hunting. For other things, you should have thought before you did this to my house." She told them.

        They all groaned. Wrong move, they will be grounded for longer.

"It was supposed to be for a month, but now it is indefinite." Mom told them. "Come on, Violet; let's see if they didn't destroy your room." She said turning to me. I only nodded.

        We walked up the stairs; Rose and Alice were yelling at their husbands; and stopped in front of a door. Mom opened the door and we walked in. It was better than the living room by allot.

"I'm so sorry you had to see the house like that." She said walking over to another door on the right. "Your closet is right here."  She said opening the door. I just stood there, the closet was HUGE. It was a walk in.

                I have never seen such a big closet. I walked over to mom, with my bags and started putting my clothes in the closet.

"I'm going to make you something to eat, what would you like?" She asked me.

"Some water will be okay, I don't want to impose." I answered quietly.

"Sweetie," She grabbed my chin and made me face her. "this is your new family, your not going to impose. It's your new place to live, and no one's going to take that away." She told me.

"Umm, okay, I'll like some lechon." I said quietly.

"That's a native puerto rican food, right?" She asked me. I nodded. "I'll get started immediatly." She said. She kissed my fore-head and left.

                 I finished putting my clothes in the closet and looked at the room. The walls are purple, with blue decorations of trees, leaves, and music notes. I'll have to add my own touch to my room. I got out one of the brushes on the night-stand and dipped it in black paint.

                  I went over to the left wall, and started painting the word 'hope' in Japanese on the whole wall. It finished looking like this 'ホープ' but a lot bigger. On the right wall I was going to put drawings, photos, and posters . And on the wall that has the door I was going to put quotes, and japanese writings.

                  I looked at my bed and I think it was king, with Purple and blue covers. I'm going to need to buy some plush toys. Yes, I still like plush toys; they were the only things to keep me comfort when I was living in the woods.

                  Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. Emmet was outside, with a huge grin splattered on his face, I looked at him questioningly. I walked in my room, leaving the door open so he could come in.

"Wow, you know japanese?" He asked me.

"I know allot of languages." I answered.

"So, I was wondering," Emmet started, I looked at him. "if you're always this serious or your actually fun to hang out with." He told me.

"I really don't know." I answered. "I've never had the time to joke around and be immature." I told him.

"How come you've never had the time?" He asked sitting on my bed.

"Most of the time I was worrying if vampires found me, and the rest of the time I was worrying if I'd get enough food for that day." I told him looking out my window.

"Did you ever feel safe?" He asked me.

"The only times I've actually felt safe was when I had my best friend with me, and with your coven." I answered.

"What happened to your best friend?" He asked looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"His parents made him leave after they had drank me."  I answered him. Suddenly I felt someone hugging me. It was Emmet. He was actually hugging me.

"Why did they drink you?" He asked. Worry was clear in every word.

"My blood is the most delicious blood to most vampires, but if they drink to little of it they burn inside out. If they drink too much they implode. But if they drink the right amount they get stronger, and their scars start vanishing." I answered him.

"So you are like the vampire worlds avon?" He asked me. I only nodded. "Well, you'll never be used like that. You will never have to worry about vampires drinking from you. You're part of this family and we'll never let that happen to you." He told me.

"Thank you." I whispered. He finished hugging me. and took a step back.

"Are you going to change from those clothes?" He asked me. I shook my head. "Okay. So want to think of a prank to do at school?" He asked me.

I laughed. "Aren't you grounded?" I asked him. He suddenly looked down sad.

"Yeah." He mumbled sadly.

"Want to help me put music in my I-pod?" I asked him. he looked up cheerfully and nodded very fast. I chuckled and got out my laptop and my I-tunes gift card.

              We sat on my bed and made me an I-tunes account. We joked and laughed for an hour or two. He taught how to use the I-tunes, and I bought 40 songs. Most of them are from Linkin Park, MCR, Three Days Grace, and Fall Out Boy.

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