School. UGH

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Chapter 5: We go to school

              I woke up to Emmet jumping up and down on my bed.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He screamed, while jumping. I kicked him in the nuts and he fell. I got up and walked over to my closet. I heard Emmet groan.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked, getting up.

"I don't like being woken up like that." I answered him.

              I chose my tight red 'Linkin Park' shirt. I chose my red skinnies, and my black, blue, and red Osiris. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I did everything I had to do and walked out. I dried myself and put on my clothes. The thing about me is that I never use two socks that are the same. The ones I am using today are one blue and one red.

              I walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen. Mom was there with a plate in-front of her. It was full of bacon, eggs, and an 'arepa'. I looked astonished at mom. How does she know that my favorite food is an 'arepa'?

"How do you know that I love 'arepas'?" I asked.

"I just guessed." She answered. "Now eat up, so you can go to school." She answered. I nodded and started eating. Emmet came in and sat down next to me.

He started poking me. "Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up." He kept on going while poking me. He kept telling to hurry up and poking me until I actually finished.

              After that he led me to his jeep and told me the others had already gone to school. I got in and put didn't put on my many seat belts. Emmet got in and turned on the jeep. I quickly put the radio on a rock channel. 'I don't care' by Fall Out Boy started playing.

"You actually like that music?" Emmet asked, pulling out of the drive way. I nodded to the rhythm of the music.

            We got to school very fast because of Emmet's crazy driving. As soon as I got out people started staring at me. What is up with this people? I know I must be the first or second black student, and also Latina, but come on.

            The family came and I was suddenly tackled by an unidentified thing. A U.T.O had attacked me. I looked up from the ground and saw Toby smiling his huge 'I know everything' smile.

"Toby, get off of me!" I yelled at him.

He got up and offered his hand. I took it, and pushed him down. I then got up and ran away from him. I hid behind Emmet while Toby tried to catch me. I threw Emmet towards him and started running away.

While all of this happened Rose was glaring at Toby, Eddie and Birdie; I got the nicknames from Emmet; where shaking their head in disappointment, and the rest where just looking in amazement.

I ran behind Jazz, and waited for Toby to come. Jasper tried to swat me away; but failed miserably. To my surprise Toby stopped chasing me, and walked with Emmet to a bench. Jazzy was ready to kill me, so I went over to them. I sat down next to Toby. They looked at me questioningly, but shrugged it off.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked them.

"I don’t know. Want to bury me?" Emmet said. Toby's face lit up, but I sighed.

"We can't do that. Remember you're still grounded." I told him. Toby's face fell. But his face suddenly showed worry.

"What's wrong Toby?" I asked him; but I suddenly smelled the thing I hated the most.

"Demi-gods."  Toby snarled. I growled very quietly. Emmet just looked confused.

"What are Demi gods?" Emmet asked. We just shook our heads.

            It looks like they got a satyr with them because he whispered he smelled monsters and a few other half-bloods. The family walked over to us and Eddie got worried.

"What do you got against them, and why did they whisper that?" He asked us.

"They're half-bloods, our sworn enemies; and ironically our allies." I answered him, pointing at me and Toby.

            They looked shocked, and Birdie was going to say something; but the bell cut her off. Me and Toby started walking to our first class. We just decided I was going to go to all the classes he went to. We don't really care if we get in trouble; I've done it plenty times.

            Our first class was art; my best subject. The teacher looked at me surprised.

"What's your name?" She asked me.

"Violet Cullen." I answered. I sat down next to Toby.

"Are you sure you're in this class?" She asked me.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'.

"So if you're not in this class, why are you here?" She asked. Gods, she asks a lot of questions.

"I'm new here and am too lazy to look for my schedule. Oh, and we decided I was going to all of Toby's classes." I answered. At first she looked surprise, but shrugged it off.

"Well, if you're going to do that, you better love drawing and art." She told me, looking me square in the eyes.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, she looked shocked. "Those are the two things I love more than chocolate." I finished.

            She looked very happy after I said that. She smiled and waved for me to come to the front of the classroom. I walked over next to her and waited for the rest of the class to come in.

            Once everyone was in the classroom the teacher made them shut up and pay attention.

"Well, everyone, as you can see, we have a new student;" She started. Most of the boys started whistling, and I saw Toby ready to slap all of them.

"Okay, teach, I think I can take it from here." I told her. She smiled and walked to her desk, waiting for me to continue.

"My name's Violet Cullen, I hate when boys think they can get anything they want from me. My best friend is Toby. My older brother, Emmet, will kill any boys that think they're good enough for everything and will dare touch me. My favorite bands are Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides, Three Days Grace, and Paramore." I continued and almost laughed at the boys expressions.

"I love reading, drawing, painting, and drawing. Did I say drawing? I love basketball, baseball, soccer, and hockey. I swear I will kick your butts if you try to do anything. My favorite artists are Eminem, Wisin y Yandel, Daddy Yankee, Nicki Minaj, Drake, and Don Omar." I kept on going, enjoying their gazes.

"I do not tolerate racist jokes, racism, religious jokes, and prejudism. And 'chuzy', that's how we call 'bitchy' girls in P.R, girls; don't try to fight me. Oh, and by the way, Puerto Rico isn't in Europe. We are south of Florida, and east of Cuba, Haiti, and Dominican Republic." I stated.

The looked at me scared, shocked, and some actually happy. I looked at the teacher and she nodded me to sit down. This isn't going to be so bad.

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