White Dress Girl.

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There was a girl who would come to church for the afternoon service and pray at every opportunity.
She'd show up to every wedding and offer blessing, and to every funeral to offer support.
But nobody knew her really, nobody knew who she was.
Apparently, she went to the school where all the kids went.
But nobody really saw her at all.
So one day, brave and bold, a boy asked her who she was.
"My name is Lilly, it's good to meet you."
And that was it, really.
She had no real story,
But she loved to talk, and she would wind stories for the young children who sat on the big, stone front steps of the church and they would listen intently about the strange old lady with the funny hat.
Or the funny man with the crooked teeth.
But I would never listen. I would come and collect my brother, and then we would leave, without so much as a word to the girl.
She would gesture for me to sit beside her, but I would decline with the shaking of my head.
Only one day I found myself next to her on the big, stone front steps and I was telling a story about a girl with green eyes who liked to walk on her hands.
The children liked my story, too.
The girl smiled at me.
And when I went to take my brother home, she kisses me on the cheek before disappearing into the church.
The next week it's the same.
It is like this for a few weeks until the girl decided to tell me that her name is Lilly and then she proceeded to tell the kids a story about people falling in love and as I listened I wondered why they call it falling in love because that is exactly how I felt about Lilly as we told stories and began to grow together.

Many many years later, there is a woman with faded red hair and big, green eyes, who's eyes sparkle with tears as she remembers how much she misses him.
She sits the children down on the steps, settles herself of the top step, swishes her white skirts around her knees,
And begins.
To tell.
A story.

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